The Flower show post mortem

I went to the Flower show post mortem at Auntie Gladys' tonight and the figures speak for themselves as we realised that we had over 200 visitors in the two hour show and the profits were over 900 £. The show is a real community based affair as proceeds fro this year's show will be put back into village conservation projects and the village hall upkeep and improvements and all parties agreed that this years show was the best ever!
I have been voted in as vice Chair (mum's tablecloths must have swung it) and as we munched into Gladys' scones and tea ( she left me a special package of scones in the Hall as an extra gift for a few fresh eggs) we organised the schedule for next year's show. great fun.

Got back to a house of invalids as George was laying weakly by the fire and Chris was laying weakly in bed after an early morning tumble off his moped!.Shutting up the Chickens tonight in the cold autumn dark, I watched two barn owls swooping over the field time and time again. suddenly it feels like winter

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