George and a blog request

Worked last night and couldn't crawl into a warm bed cos George needed to be taken to the vets for his op! Grabbed an hour after I had dropped him off before completing chores and walking the others on the beach. At three I collected him from the recovery "ward" and looking at him in his cage almost broke my heart. The nurse said he had been rather traumatised by another dog's hysterical post operation barking and George literally crawled up my jumper to get away shaking like a leaf.

As you can see he wasn't his usual self on the way home at at the moment is lying in William's crate in a state of nervous exhaustion.

Had a lovely e mail from a old friend from Spinal Injuries this morning (Hello Andrea!) and was asked to put a few pictures of the village on the blog so that she could get a sense of what Trelawnyd actually looks like.

So for those avid non local blog fans here they are! (above) Is a view of Well street taken from the village pond. This is the nearest we have to a village green. (lower right) is the tiny Ebeneezer chapel which is directly across from the memorial village hall.
(left and lower left) Is the church seen from Cwm road, my field is located behind and to the right.
The Village pub The Crown is the only pub, although there used to be an odd sounding Black Boy tavern just on the main street opposite the chapel.
There is around 100 houses in the village, I forgot to photograph the village school which is a thriving primary and the post office which are just right from the pub on the main road........blink and you will miss most of it


  1. It's nice to all the pictures from your village, John. I love the stone cottages.
    My Uncle is currently in charge of the redevelopment of the Tannery in Abergele and he said the surrounding villages are very pleasant.
    I hope the dog is better soon.

  2. thanks mr Geeza

    his suture line is tender but he has stopped feeling sorry for himself!


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