Prestatyn allotment visit & fat club interview

Ann and her allotment colleagues all trouped to the allotment for a visit this morning which was great. We swapped eggs for firewood, had coffee and cake and chatted about the hens and the ducks. I would like to have some sort of smaller co-operative similar to their set up as the camaraderie they have set up is quite infectious. I have chased up the estate agents again today, so that I can officially sign for the field. I have been squatting since March and am getting a little sick of not being "the official tenant"; hopefully that piece of paper will be reaching me very soon.

This afternoon before night shift ( YES I am doing three 12 hour shifts this week!) went to Ewloe for the fat fighters interview. As they go it was the easiest and most relaxed interview I have ever been on. And the three ladies on the panel were all very corporate and sweet! who knows where it will lead but the relaxed nature of it all would suit me down to the ground.

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