The place where you want to be!....

Just finished two long, long days on ITU, and after 24 hours in the sterile aseptic environment of the hospital, I have just craved to be outside in the field and allotment. After a night of heavy rain, this morning is glorious and it was lovely to find out that village elder Steve has organised for the huge hedges of the field to be cut by a local farmer. I cleaned out the hens and hands on knees scraped out the duck house ( they are really dirty compared with the sweet smelling chickens)
and head stuck in the coops, covered in shit, I realised that I would not choose to be doing anything else!

This where I want to be theme seems to be prevalent at the moment. After a great deal of soul searching friend Nigel has up sticks and moved to Manchester which is a great new start for him and last night Aunt Judy rang to say that she was planning to move back to her family's home area of Lincoln after 40 years or so in North Wales.
Changing your life is often thought to be a terribly hard thing to do, and for some the hardships come in MAKING the decision rather than completing the actual deed. After the decision is made, I believe that everything else is pretty easy. Nige and Judy have made the brave choices. We will miss Judy; but will hopefully see more of Nige- swings and roundabout-swings and roundabouts! thats what life is all about! ITU-'s the same thing!

Off to Sheffield this afternoon for a catch up with John and will pop in to see Mike, Bev and Maisie! oh and their new patio! great stuff

Pic photo is of old Robina and the others !

1 comment:

  1. Yes, will be back over soon, if I can drag myself out of the "Tom and Barbara" world of suburbia! You're welcome over here of course, too. Nx


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