Jobs a good 'un

Had a couple of hours sleep after night shift this morning as Richard cracked on with the jobs at the cottage. He has kindly painted the back door and the outhouse (pic)- weird but in this photo he looks remarkably like my father!

Work ended up slightly stressful as we had admitted a 6 week old baby for full ventilation at 7 am!. The junior staff all desperate not to get the sole responsibly of caring for her, all were suddenly busy around the unit when she arrived (me included) but we should not have worried as the senior staff always assume responsibility.The most stressfull thing was checking and rechecking all the paediatric drug calculations which seemed such a hard thing to do after 12 hours on duty! Hope the little scrap survived!

I love Sundays

I have had a lovely Sunday so far. The aforementioned Broadcasting House, has merged into The Archers and now Desert Island Discs. When listening, I have prepared a cracking Sunday lunch (Pork,Mash,leeks and crumble) and all is right with the world. The weather is beautiful and while Chris and Richard are playing Brokeback Mountain at the stables I took the dogs for a walk above the village on the Llanasa road. The shoot is in full flow, and the distant putt-putt of shotgun fire echos around the hills! yes all very Emmerdale farm! Our own adopted Pheasant still lives in the orchard by the hen house and remains safe ! As we are being all natural my first crocus is out too!

As a child I always hated Sundays. My parents viewed the day as an apathetic day of nothing! so as children it always felt boring and somewhat sad! Indeed I cannot bare to hear the signature tune of Sing Something Simple with the dreaded Mike Sammes singers as it always reminds me of those days past!

Today I love Sundays! to me they mean Radio 4, the antiques roadshow, a drive out,good films,gardening, preparing and eating a nice dinner, walks and breakfast in bed! Oh and catching up with letters and e mails! Nice to hear from you today Nia!!!

A morning in bed with Joan & Osborne House

I love Broadcasting House on radio 4 on a Sunday morning. No dogs this morning, only breakfast in bed and Joan keeping me company. Makes a welcome change not to have ginger and black canines fighting for attention, and it was lovely to have a relaxing catty bonding session with the old girl! I think she has been a bit overfaced with the new cat flap and is in need of cuddle!

Osborne House was lovely last night, the best food we have had since comming to Wales! We were very impressed. I had liver, (I was always frightened by liver as a child as my mother always massacred the cooking of it), and the meat literally melted in my mouth ! lovely

The cafe has been decorated beautifully and" feels" very French, It was a great treat. Made a change not to be wearing my wellie slip ons! Richard seemed to enjoy himself too!

A two hour cat flap & the generation gap

Richard isn't big on conversation, so it is always good to organise non verbal activities! The new cat flap looks impressive, and poor Rich spent two hours on the kitchen floor fitting it! Much to the amusement of Finlay to sat 2 inches from him at all times watching all activity and listened intently to the irritable swearing!

Chris was working yesterday so we did B & Q, a long walk on the beach and the farm and pet warehouse. I worked last night ( an awful shift as we had 10 patients at one stage and 8 beds) and after three hours sleep Chris has taken his dad to Prestatyn to do a bit of shopping and to touch base with my sister! I was working with a senior member of staff who seems to delight to pick all members of staff on something they have perhaps done incorrectly, and this inconsistent and rather petty way of working I feel often undermines young inexperienced staff, as well as being managerially unproductive. She bussled across the unit at the height of a busy episode to pull me up about a very minor point ( infront of several staff) and I was having none of it. As she spoke I smiled and shrugged but kept her gaze, and as she repeated herself I smiled and shrugged again! Finally half amused she said "You don't give a shit do you" and I broke the ice by laughing! Oh how I hate managers who cannot manage people!

The stone fish was breathing great gobs of smoke when I went out to feed the chickens! This amused me greatly as it sits on the wall by the back door! Unfortunately you cannot see it smoking clearly on the photo, but certainly Richard's cig bin has been located!

Later I have booked a table at Osborn house ( see previous blog) so I feel we have "made the effort"

Makes you think?

The news tonight is full of the trial of the alleged Madrid Bombers. I noticed that one illustrative CCTV footage was used that I have never seen before. It was a sequence showing the fleeing crowds from one of the trains, shot from above, you could clearly make out a score of figures running. Then suddenly another bomb exploded in the centre of them all, thankfully filling the picture with flames and debris. The video was cut so the viewer could see no more, but I was totally shocked by what I saw!, namely the deaths of many Spanish commuters. Like 9/11 these images are stark,brutal and in this age of normal cinematic violance, truely shocking
Note to self: hug Chris when I go to bed tonight

The second Richard Burton & idle thoughts

Knackered after the long journey Chris' dad, Richard didn't quite need the Welsh Terrier treatment, but he certainly got it!

As usual he will be put to good use over the weekend ! tomorrow he and I will be painting the back door and replacing the cat flap while Chris is at work.

I am working Friday/Sunday nights, so I think we are out for dinner in Llandudno Saturday night. I must say that sons obviously resemble their fathers in some ways and Chris is no exception! They have exactly the same walk! w i e r d!

Chris had a bit of a tough day, but was amused when he overheard me and my sister Janet having an animated conversation about Laura Ashley place mats! . Perhaps we are very easily pleased?

Had a text a few days ago from neighbour Jonney from Sheffield. said he was thinking of me when he saw the old house door open, as I always left it when I was in the kitchen! Nice to be remembered!


Early start

Chris is in London working and spent last night with his mom, so I was up at 6am sorting the animals out! Not a lover of early starts, but there is something satisfying in getting everything done then sneaking back to bed for a crafty extra hour! Couldn't sleep though so decieded to make a list of things to do today, which include sorting the spare room out for Chris' dad, Richard who is staying for a long weekend from tomorrow. Richard is very easy going, but is not good at keeping himelf amused, so am wracking my brain to organise a few things that we can do.
Tomorrow I am taking part in a paediatric advanced life support study day ( say that when you are pissed!) which starts at 8 am and finishes at 6 pm which seems all a bit much to me! I am on nights too on Friday and Sunday , so Chris will have to look after him for the most part! hey ho.

Ps the Spazmobile has a CD player!! so exciting! went to Mochdre and priced up a new chicken coop (second hand) and poultry fencing, as I want to get going with the field! Bought nice food from Marks and Spencer for Richard on Thursday (Marks' seem to be going from strength to strength) and treated myself to a new wallet as George has "eaten" my old one last night! sounds gross but bits of it appeared when he relieved himself on the beach this morning ! Also managed to but in another load of late spring and summer bulbs in before scrubbing the inside of the hen house out ( a nasty job!!)...pottering ,pottering,pottering!