Early start

Chris is in London working and spent last night with his mom, so I was up at 6am sorting the animals out! Not a lover of early starts, but there is something satisfying in getting everything done then sneaking back to bed for a crafty extra hour! Couldn't sleep though so decieded to make a list of things to do today, which include sorting the spare room out for Chris' dad, Richard who is staying for a long weekend from tomorrow. Richard is very easy going, but is not good at keeping himelf amused, so am wracking my brain to organise a few things that we can do.
Tomorrow I am taking part in a paediatric advanced life support study day ( say that when you are pissed!) which starts at 8 am and finishes at 6 pm which seems all a bit much to me! I am on nights too on Friday and Sunday , so Chris will have to look after him for the most part! hey ho.

Ps the Spazmobile has a CD player!! so exciting! went to Mochdre and priced up a new chicken coop (second hand) and poultry fencing, as I want to get going with the field! Bought nice food from Marks and Spencer for Richard on Thursday (Marks' seem to be going from strength to strength) and treated myself to a new wallet as George has "eaten" my old one last night! sounds gross but bits of it appeared when he relieved himself on the beach this morning ! Also managed to but in another load of late spring and summer bulbs in before scrubbing the inside of the hen house out ( a nasty job!!)...pottering ,pottering,pottering!

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