Telepathic dental nurse

Clean bill of health from the Polish dentist, who seemed very friendly and polite even though his English is obviously non existent. Pity the support staff at the new practice didn't follow his lead! as their attitude seemed one of bored indifference. Before I went in I told the receptionist that I required a check up and a scale and polish. She took my health questionnaire without looking at me and seconds later I was having my consult. All well and good! Anyhow without a word the dentist completed the examination and the nurse told me I could go! I sat my ground and asked if I could have my requested scale and polish. She answered rather dismissively that the dentist didn't think that was necessary! Her attitude got my back up and I couldn't resist saying sweetly "The dentist said nothing to you, how do you know?" I then turned to him and asked him directly if he could give me a scale and polish! He completed my request graciously, even though I could hear her huffing and puffing in the background. Some of me feels as though, with non professionals like her being the public face of the nhs, it is a case of the lunatics taking charge of the asylum

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