
He sat like this for hours

Favourite clothes, burnt buttocks and no soil!

Well nights take over your life, and you realize all you
do is eat, sleep and clean the chickens. Made an effort today and got up at 2.15pm and walked the dogs around the village. As I was leaving Chris turned up after riding. He was wearing his riding garb AND sported a jaunty black and white neckerchief!
Hummm! Very David Essex circa 1975 (Silver Dream Machine!)....I am sure Brian Aldridge actually wears a similar one in Archerland!.

Got me thinking of my favourite piece of clothing! I am not blessed with good taste when it comes to haberdashery! But I am fond of my "dog" shorts. If you look carefully you can make out embroidered labradors. Bought from a shop in the Rockerfeller Centre NY, they please me!

On a painfull level, I burnt my buttocks on some grime remover I left in the bath when I was cleaning it.....oh for normal life! by the way, my soil has not been delivered!!!

Working the next 3 nights

enough said!!!

If I am working nights I don't seem to get a lot done during the day. Put my application in for the Trelawnyd flowershow, Victoria sponge,hanging baskets, tubs, flowers from the garden and photo of pets (Finlay- who else?). The secretary of the show, a very pleasant woman said that new blood in the show would be great, but did say that the judging was very "tough"!!. The show is very 1950's so watch this space for some vintage pictures!.
Went to the craft shop Mullberrys in Dyserth with my sister, and was delighted to see that they seemed to have sold my old arm chair , don't know for sure as the owners are on holiday, but perhaps the proceeds can go towards some plants for the back garden.
Bought some lavender plants and a lovely climbing rose for the arch at Jackson's too.

Last night Chris and I went to the local Blue Lion at Cwm for a meal! I made him pay as he had invited one of the next door neighbours too ( Carol with the Welsh terrier), but we had a nice time, and the food was lovely! Especially the black pudding wrapped in pastry!!!

ok,ok things I HATE!

I hate

The gibbon featured trailer trash woman who used to terrorize the world at our old cottage (yes you know who you are, you gummy slattern!)

People that speed through our village,

lavender pillows,

yobs with designer fighting dogs,

old men in baseball caps,

Mother and baby parking spaces at supermarkets,

People that amble side by side on the pavement,

Mobile phones going off in the theatre or cinema,

Trailer trash people that sponge off the state and live life as victims,

large tattoos

men with big earrings,

Bad service ANYWHERE!

stripy wallpaper with boarders,

Old people's front gardens that are made up of paving stones,

vertical window blinds,

Toilets on trains,

Litter, open black bin bags & Wheelie bins with pictures of foliage on them,

Gung ho action films with no soul,

America's patronizing attitude,

most Politicians,

The dumbing down of the British way of life.

Motor racing on television,

People that yell all the time,

Humidity and having prickly heat,

friendships that finish,

People that need to be nasty, that pre judge, that are racist & homophobic to others, in order to live their lives the way they know.

I did hate Richard Whitely off countdown!

An hour to kill

Waiting for the weather to clear so that I can go out, so thought I would do my own list of things I love, almost in reply to my friend Nigel's eloquent blog detailing his favourite things. Mine I would think , will be more on a par with the level of Julie Andrews' "....Brown paper packages, tied up with string...", but who cares?

I agree with Nige though I will concentrate on things rather than people ( and animals of course!).

Hummmmmm, things I love?
Chatsworth House, especially the sculpture gallery

Cleaning the house from top to bottom, and having a cup of tea while I survey my hard work

Sitting in a near empty cinema

A dogs nose on my knee

Sitting on the top dam at Redmires looking down at Sheffield on a nice sunny day

Yellow Iris

Watching lightening at night, whilst in bed

Watching black and white films on an afternoon, being inside when it's raining. Letters from a friend

Getting an unexpected text from a friend

Gardening in silence, watering my handing baskets, cutting the lawn edges,

Snow (the crisp very cold and non slushy stuff), having a roaring fire in the cottage

Anything art deco

The angel sculpture in central park, which is simply quite beautifull

Christmas in general, but especially the build up, and preparation

ALL BAR ONE.. well more importantly time with friends gossiping,laughing and emotional romping

Bangers and Mash

Observing little acts of kindness

Old Nuns on planes

after a half hour brainstorm waiting for the vet to be bothered to turn up after her lunch, my other favourite things are

Edith Marimbirie's ( an African nurse I used to work with) chuckle

That clean smell at the Dentist,

very windy days on the beach

free range eggs

Laura Ashley cushions

1930's green paint

old needlepoints

a house full of antiques,

The crisp heat you get in the morning when on holiday in Sitges,

family & friends photographs nicely framed.

The Archers theme tune, (dum-dee-dum-dee-dum-dee-dum!!!)

The smell of Jasmine


The Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station

Prestatyn wind farm

Well the list is endless, and as I haven't got all day and the dogs need their walk, I will leave it there, no doubt I can think of hundreds more!!!

Not a bag of laughs

disappointed slightly today as all the top soil for the back garden won't be delivered until Saturday. So wondered what to do this afternoon after all the chores were finished. Took myself to Theatre Clwyd in Mold, had lunch and a proper coffee, and went to the cinema to see Shooting Dogs. As usual there was only 3 people in the audience, but that's the way I like it!
The film, detailing an actual event, centred around the 1994 Rwandan
genocide, and in particular the fate of some 2500 Tutis who took refuge at an
United Nation's compound at the ETO High School.
The film, worthy and harrowing, mirrored the likes of Hotel Rwanda and Schindler's List, and told the ultimate massacre story without hysteria or sentimentality. It covered the terrible narrative through the eyes of two fictitional characters, a Belgian priest ( John Hurt, on excellent form) and a young English teacher (Hugh Dancy), and did so with some intelligence. One other character, (a world weary BBC reporter, the excellent Nicola Walker) says at one point.
" When I was in Bosnia, I saw a dead white woman in the street and I thought of my Africa you see a dead woman and its just another dead African"
It is a terrible thing to say, but perhaps in some ways a true one. Is it ingrained racism that she was alluding to? or over exposure by the media of African disasters, drought and revolt? ..perhaps it was a bit of both. Either way, the truth hidden in that statement made me feel rather ashamed.
Left the cinema feeling rather thoughtfull and deflated, so marched the dogs up Gop Hill to blow the cobwebs away
As you can see it was a lovely walk, and came home to have a bacon butty and felt alot better. Chris is back tonight, so the cottage will feel more normal ( and less tidy) which is nice. Got another film for us to watch, a more different film to Shooting Dogs you couldn't possibly imagine. Went the day well? Is a wartime propaganda film about evil Germans taking over a quaint English Village (like you do!!) and how the villagers , pull together and fight back, ie (Lady blah blah getting blown up saving the village children as cockney land girl (Thora Hird) blasts the hun with a shotgun!!!)......I love this film as it portrays wartime/village life that never really existed, (but Chris thinks it really did exist!!!
Oh by the way Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!!xx did you enjoy the DVDs..........????? all the best mate!

Rocks, feeling old and The Champions

I spent the day today removing rocks from the back garden before the local farmer delivers a few tons of top soil, and boy am I feeling sore right now! Physically I feel shattered ! and coupled with those early morning dog walks, my fatigue is at an all time high!
My middle aged body craves a hot bath, a gin and tonic and an early night.

Ned's arch looks grand! The neighbours have all commented on how low it is ! (including an elderly welsh farmer who asked me if the Hobbit arch was my idea), but it is exactly what I wanted . My idea was to downsize everything slightly to give the feel of a bigger space! The idea has worked inside the cottage well as many pieces of furniture are just on the small size in scale and seem to fit the space better! well that's the idea

Another thing that made me feel old today was seeing The Champions on tv gold. I had forgotton how trendy this programme was in 1968 or so. Typical formula I guess for a hybrid detective/superhero show, ie Sexy American 007 type (Stuart Damon), slightly geeky but smoldering English man (William Gaunt) and no nonsense new-age girl heroine (Alexandra Bastedo) combat terrorism, world domination and supernatural foes. I always liked Bastedo as a child , as I thought she was tough and extremely exotic!

On a geeky level, got my carpet vax cleaner delivered today! can't belive I actually got excited about it!

The sad Lady in Bishop's Wood

Have had a pottering morning today. Chris is still over in Broadstairs with the family, so I have had to get up at six to sort the animals out.Since then I Posted Mike Kilner's 40th Birthday DVDs ( the postmistress in the village was greatly intrigued!!), bought Tim's birthday pressie ( I am going to the family meal tonight), got a mass of Violas to plant out and took the dogs to the beach. Prestatyn beach was busy with Mancunians on holiday, (most of them had bull terriers) so we retired to Bishops wood for our usual round robin walk.

When we got to Meliden quarry we started to cross the fields down to the railway line when I saw a woman of around 70. She was leaning on the field gate and made a fuss of the dogs as they passed. Finlay loves all attention and went into his usual bouncy greetings, as Meg and Maddie shyly stood behind. The woman looked miserable and said "I just don't know what to do with myself, I almost threw myself under a bus a while ago".
What do you say to that?! .... I just managed to say rather lamely "Oh Dear", and allowed her to carry on. In way of explanation she said that her dog, an Airedale had recently been put down, after battling Oesophageal cancer. I felt awful as Welsh terriers actually look like small airedales, but she seemed to enjoy making a fuss of Finlay, saying that her dog had had a similar bouncy gentle nature.

We chatted a while, and she became quite animated when she explained that she was a dog fanatic, and hadn't had a holiday in 30 years as she could not bear to be parted from her animals for even a weekend. But looked sad when I gathered up the dogs to go. "You know what I miss the most?" she said, "Just walking with him in the afternoons........", She added "I wish I didn't feel anything, you know?".

I understood what she meant , but I felt there was nothing I could say to help. Sadly we said our goodbyes.