disappointed slightly today as all the top soil for the back garden won't be delivered until Saturday. So wondered what to do this afternoon after all the chores were finished. Took myself to Theatre Clwyd in Mold, had lunch and a proper coffee, and went to the cinema to see Shooting Dogs. As usual there was only 3 people in the audience, but that's the way I like it!
The film, detailing an actual event, centred around the 1994 Rwandan
genocide, and in particular the fate of some 2500 Tutis who took refuge at an
United Nation's compound at the ETO High School.
The film, worthy and harrowing, mirrored the likes of Hotel Rwanda and Schindler's List, and told the ultimate massacre story without hysteria or sentimentality. It covered the terrible narrative through the eyes of two fictitional characters, a Belgian priest ( John Hurt, on excellent form) and a young English teacher (Hugh Dancy), and did so with some intelligence. One other character, (a world weary BBC reporter, the excellent Nicola Walker) says at one point.
" When I was in Bosnia, I saw a dead white woman in the street and I thought of my mother.......in Africa you see a dead woman and its just anot
her dead African"

It is a terrible thing to say, but perhaps in some ways a tru
e one. Is it ingrained racism that she was alluding to? or over exposure by the media of African disasters, drought and revolt? ..perhaps it was a bit of both. Either way, the truth hidden in that statement made me feel rather ashamed.

Left the cinema feeling rather thoughtfull and deflated, so marched the dogs up Gop Hill to blow the cobwebs away

As you can see it was a lovely walk, and came home to have a bacon butty and felt alot better. Chris is back tonight, so the cottage will feel more normal ( and less tidy) which is nice. Got another film for us to watch, a more different film to Shooting Dogs you couldn't possibly imagine. Went the day well? Is a wartime propaganda film about evil Germans taking over a quaint English Village (like you do!!) and how the villagers , pull together and fight back, ie (Lady blah blah getting blown up saving the village children as cockney land girl (Thora Hird) blasts the hun with a shotgun!!!)......I love this film as it portrays wartime/village life that never really existed, (but Chris thinks it really did exist!!!
Oh by the way Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!!xx did you enjoy the DVDs..........????? all the best mate!
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