I hate
The gibbon featured trailer trash woman who used to terrorize the world at our old cottage (yes you know who you are, you gummy slattern!)
People that speed through our village,
lavender pillows,
yobs with designer fighting dogs,
old men in baseball caps,
Mother and baby parking spaces at supermarkets,
People that amble side by side on the pavement,
Mobile phones going off in the theatre or cinema,
Trailer trash people that sponge off the state and live life as victims,
large tattoos
men with big earrings,
Bad service ANYWHERE!
stripy wallpaper with boarders,
Old people's front gardens that are made up of paving stones,
vertical window blinds,
Toilets on trains,
Litter, open black bin bags & Wheelie bins with pictures of foliage on them,
Gung ho action films with no soul,
America's patronizing attitude,
most Politicians,
The dumbing down of the British way of life.
Motor racing on television,
People that yell all the time,
Humidity and having prickly heat,
friendships that finish,
People that need to be nasty, that pre judge, that are racist & homophobic to others, in order to live their lives the way they know.
I did hate Richard Whitely off countdown!
OK. Have to comment here:
ReplyDeleteLavender pillows
- That's your birthday/Xmas gift sorted, then.
Mother and baby parking spaces at supermarkets
- Agree. Is MY money not good enough for you, Mr Tesco?
Trailer trash people that sponge off the state and live life as victims,
- Increasingly agree, sadly.
Bad service ANYWHERE!
- Agree, especially in England
America's patronizing attitude
- Agree, but then our Blairite foreign policy doesn't help this.
The dumbing down of the British way of life.
- Agree
friendships that finish
- No comment.
People that need to be nasty, that pre judge
- See above (my experience)
I did hate Richard Whitely off countdown!
- *YOU LIE* You "wanted" him, in a special way...