The Wall

 Yesterday I rearranged the paintings and the lithographs, and the drawings and the photographs and the embroideries and the ceramics and the tiny piece of the antique Japanese Kimono on the art wall of the kitchen.
The exhibition looked clean and tidy and comfortable once I had finished
A history of my years post retirement
Every framed piece, a step forward to independence .
The wall has significance and it has power.
Where I once had a great deal of pleasure showing joint treasures, and dreams and memories in such a medium now I show my own milestones and art and loves and likes in one place and it feels nice to do so...kind of empowering.....kind of significant .
A while ago a friend asked me about the art wall 
He acknowledged how important it was to me
And he understood when I said 
It is something real , very real to me ...and nothing .....that is a lie

Ok ....that’s enough of all and Mave won the Big Gay Quiz last night which was fun. Today me and the girls are going to Colwyn Bay beach for a walk and a proper coffee
I’m counting the days until I can go to the cinema, I maybe able to book a seat very soon!!!!!!



He’s been a bit of a constant in my 58 years.
I’ve always rather liked his chutzpah 
My favourite quote of his was about his daughter Anne
“If it doesn’t fart or eat hay, she’s not interested”

he told reporters.

If he had a mop of white hair he would remind me of Tom Stephenson


 Lots of wonderful replies to yesterday’s bit of fun
Some moving , many funny, all interesting 
Thank you
Keep them coming if you want , 
I’m listening to this song as a certain bulldog licks my tired  tired feet


I just realised that I need a bit of glitter in my life! 
How about all of you ? 
What do you need........
Just one short sentence ! 
Prize for the best answer!



Hello deArheart,
I’ve got 4 minutes to blog before work.
Clinique Happy has been squirted, face washed, eggs on sourdough eaten, dogs walked, Mary given her antibiotic, coffee made and decanted into my travel cup
Three minutes to go
Soup in the slow cooker’s butter bean and chorizo again tonight.
One minute to go.
Hair brushed, teeth brushed , 
One minute late
Back home in 14 hours

Fish Pie

Yesterday my bubble friend Ruth was over.
We ate fish pie ( completed with quarters of hard boiled eggs), drank wine  and watched Amelie 
It was a nice evening. 
Amelie is a movie that only gets better when rewatching . 
It’s film in which it’s editing takes centre stage and where a million visual ideas joint together seamlessly 
I adore it.

Today I’ve bought eggs from Rachel at the village riding stables and have dodged snow showers in favour of cold sunny breaks, then I’ve picked up antibiotics for Mary ( at last my demand for a swab on her ear has yielded a bacterial and not fungal infection as I suspected ) and bought flowers for Trendy Carol who never takes any payment for looking after the girls when I’m at work. 

It’s a no news, bland blogging day today.
I will leave you with this excruciatingly funny clip of  Nick Mohammed
He sings the plot of a film to its score

Enjoy x

Theatre Again

I haven’t much spare cash. 
This is merely an observation rather than a moan.
Fuck me if it was a moan the trolls out there would wet their knickers in the scrum to message what a truly awful person I am .
No, it’s a truism. I have to watch my money. 
True I treat myself to the odd desk and very trendy sofa . 
But generally I have to be frugal, and generally I am 
I have a tv the size of large cornflakes packet, I never buy new clothes and my main extravagance is never on expensive cars, men and liquor! 
But I have just bought a couple of tickets to the outside production of Pride and Prejudice in Grovensor Park in Chester.
How lovely to be sat watching a play again

Old Enough.....Ugly Enough

I went to bed early last night. 
It was 8 pm....unheard of for me.
Subsequently I was wide awake before five, woken by Dorothy who had noticed one of my psoriasis covered kneecaps sticking out from under the duvet  and was busy plucking off the scabs with her teeth and tongue.
It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, to be sure , so I sipped my coffee ( I leave a flask by my bed now for early morning get ups), left her to it and prepared myself for another day at work.

We all have our own sayings, I’ve always thought.....
Many of them are inherited by parents or significant others or we just have them evolve through the general trails and tribulations of life.
One of mine is .....
I’m old enough and ugly enough to deal with it.....”
 This is all about not keeping your gob shut, whether it be in a conflict situation or just in everyday life.
I have an example
Last Monday I went to the garden centre in the village for bedding plants.
The lockdown rules had just been relaxed and the place was busy.
On one till, in front of me a middle aged woman was having an argument with the cashier. The wrong price had been accidentally left on a plant pot and the woman was insisting that she was only going to pay the price advertised on the pot  which was ludicrously cheaper than the right one . 
The cashier politely pointed out that all of the other similar pots had the correct pricing on them and only this one had been incorrectly labelled. She apologised for the mistake but the woman was not having any of it and became belligerent and rude in her manner.
The manager was called and she too was polite , only to be shot down moments later by a louder voice and harsher words and buoyed up by her own adrenalin she looked around the waiting queue for any sign of support.
No one caught her eye but me 
“ Oh pay the proper price you miserable cow” I said
It wasn’t the reply she was expecting.
I should have added something here, but I didn’t as to be the sub text is plain to see
“ If you don’t want my thoughts on the matter don’t ask for me to comment” 

And so it’s Easter Sunday. 
Easter has always been a non event for me. 
For me it was a bland day, filled with Jeffrey Hunter in King Of Kings, a half decent roast dinner and my ex husband going to church. Even as a child the day was marked with bad tv and too many Easter Eggs
So the prospect of working in the community and driving around the pretty places here such as Llanfairfechan can only be a bonus from the old norm. 

I will try to keep to the speed limit too, I suspect I was clocked in the hospice car doing 35 in a 30 mile an hour zone on Monday......another 3 points on my licence ! 
I’m not complaining by the way, just commenting
I’m not as nice as Jeffrey Hunter.....
Hey ho

Happy Easter All



Mave and I , alongside Peter, a soft spoken Glaswegian with a plethora of ribald stories and Latino Tim from Atlanta in Georgia won the Big Gay Quiz last night which was fun.
It was nice to enjoy some healthy double entendre conversation without someone getting all thin lipped and upset about things.
I’ve found that to my cost here.
Say something earthy and indecorous  
And there is always someone with a mouth like a cats arse, bursting to tell you off .

I’ve made the effort today. 
I’ve ironed a shirt and jeans ( yes IRONED!)
And I’ve had a shave , oiled my beard and combed my hair. 
Standards have been slipping in Chez Gray recently and it’s time to get a grip on things.
I’ve even had several squirts of Clinique Happy...
I’m ready for action

I made lovely strong coffee this morning and flavoured it with algave Nectar and sat outside in the sun with a book. 
At lunchtime I’m meeting up with my sisters for a distanced garden lunch which will be a real treat.
The sun is out but it’s a little cold
Bracing ! 

Strangers on a train

Before I ventured to Bodnant Gardens 
Mary and I visited the Horizon Cafe on Colwyn Bay’s Promenade.
You still cannot sit on the outside tables there, but the cafe does the best brewed coffee and so I treated myself to a grande and Mary to a single sausage .
We sat on the raised flower beds and watched the sea.
The woman with the Welsh Terrier stopped. 
I had met her before several times and she commented how neat Mary looked.
Her Bertie looked scruffy and unkept and remained uninterested in Mary as he always seemed to be
The woman stopped intent on talking.
She wore a straw hat and dungarees and looked around sixty
I wasn’t bothered one way or another .
The conversation flowed immediately to lockdown. 
The woman asked if I was furloughed and I told her where I worked.
She had lost her job in a solicitors office last year, she told me but didn’t miss it
She also asked if there were many men working as nurses at the hospice as she presumed it was more a mature woman’s role.
Back to the nun’s perception of palliative care I thought and said so
But she was right , like primary school teaching ,palliative care seems less populated by male workers.
She asked a lot of questions and instead of fending them off, I found that I was answering them
How long had I been working at the hospice?
What made me pick it?
Why had I gone back to work after retiring?
She was relentless
But I answered her questions as if she was working for the gestapo 
There is something very flattering about someone being interested in you and when I said I was divorced 
She shared the fact that she had left her husband the day after she lost her job.

“I think you and I are like Anne Elliot from Persuasion” she said with a laugh before she moved on with the scruffy Bertie in tow
We are late To Bloom,” 

The Color Purple

Not the nicest day at work today
No one died
Just a bit of conflict that needed sorting
Time for a gin, dog cuddles and the ending of The Colour Purple     

My Girls


One girl asleep sat up on my trendy couch
Another, sat carefully on my knee, watching the world 
My girls....
I wouldn’t have enjoyed Bodnant Gardens without my Mary today
And tonight, I wouldn’t have laughed out loud spying Dorothy asleep with her head propped up at the strangest of angles.
These two have carried me throughout the last year of lockdown , and have lifted my spirits through the year before that  without even trying..... without them 
I doubt I would have made easily .....

My girls......

Bodnant Gardens

Mary amid daffodils

Very slowly, things are starting to open up here in Wales.
On Saturday I am meeting my sisters and sister in law for a garden based light lunch and today Mary and I are off to newly reopened Bodnant Gardens * for a walk.
I am so glad that the National Trust allows dogs into their gardens. Going alone is always fraught with the vague sense that I’m seen to be an old pervert. Having a dog with you precludes this strange stereotype.
Dorothy is far too excitable for such a place.

The gardens were thick with people determined to get the most out of the spring sunshine
I was so happy with Mary at my side. My girl is such sweet company

* Bodnant Garden (Welsh: Gardd Bodnant) is a National Trust property near Tal-y-Cafn, Conwy, Wales, overlooking the Conwy Valley towards the Carneddau mountains.

Founded in 1874 and developed by five generations of one family, it was gifted to the National Trust in 1949. The garden spans 80 acres of hillside and includes formal Italianate terraces, informal shrub borders stocked with plants from around the world, The Dell, a gorge garden, a number of notable trees and a waterfall. Since 2012, new areas have opened including the Winter garden, Old Park Meadow, Yew Dell and The Far End, a riverside garden. Furnace Wood and Meadow opened in 2017. There are plans to open more new areas, including Heather Hill and Cae Poeth Meadow.



Oooooooh  ooooooh” 
It’s a two tone old ladies call.
They usually reserve it for calling to other old ladies across a garden fence or a shopping aisle
It’s for the most part accompanied by a floppy wave of the hand or a shake of the handkerchief
And delivered right, it can be somewhat piercing 
Ooooohhhh ooooooooo!”        
It came again, this time much louder.
The dogs jumped from their sleeping positions and thundered downstairs to see
Mrs Trellis was stood at the kitchen wall , and wasn’t one for being kept waiting
She was fanning the freshly baked sour dough bread I had left on the wall to cool 
“ I’ve just chased away a magpie !” She told me reproachfully 
Blue, her greyhound,  fidgeted in his blue coat by her side 
I offered her one of the loaves
She refused but pointed at the other 
“ I’ll take the other one “ she said “ Blue’s already licked it” 




The Walking Dead has continued in a somewhat abridged and covid shortened self for the postponed last few episodes of season 10 

Most have been somewhat boring , but the latest , Diverged is a miniature masterclass of charismatic acting from the actress Melissa McBride. The fifty something heroine of the zombie apocalypse.

I won’t go too far into the plot. Suffice to say that old friends Carol and Daryl ( Norman Reedus) are finding their way in a uncertain world again, and like many old friends , their bonds are tested by fate and serendipity .

Carol is trying to cope with Daryl’s rejection and with the benign help of the the delightfully  sweet Jerry ( Cooper Andrews) she finds some order in the chaos 

Jerry, the lovely Cooper Andrews

I loved this gentle, meandering episode , which was a thoughtful character study of two lost people.
I hope the final season , season 11 is just as good 

It’s amazing , that I’ve followed this programme and these characters for over a decade now..carol and Daryl are flawed people...irritating and flawed and oh so human .....and we all know they are going to make up at the end 

They have to


 I have a proper affection for places.
I think we all do.
Our home towns, our favourite holiday destinations , places that mark significant milestones and times in our lives.
We all have love for a place.
New York City holds such affection from me, of course so does Trelawnyd, Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, Sydney, Sitges in Spain and that grubby old dame of Yorkshire my beloved old home city of Sheffield all rank highly in in those places that have made me the person you see today.

As I was  driving into Llandudno this morning, the early morning Sun , made earlier by the clock’s change, lit up the Great Orme eastern face in a dazzling flash of golden warm light.
I stopped on the North Shore to take a photo of the peninsula and had a sudden rush of affection ( once termed SRAs) for the slightly fading but still valiant Victorian town.

The town is my place of work,
It’s Welsh but remains oh so different from Trelawnyd and indeed from its local hinterland,
And I regard it with some pride and like the Sun reflecting on the Orme, with a great deal of warmth.

A Nothing Kind of Day

A strange day.
It’s stormy, and we have gales here today. 
I’ve done little , save for watching various eclectic stuff on iPad and tv.and didn’t leave my bed until midday.
The Bette Davis romp The Anniversary. Upstairs Downstairs ( the episode when the King came to dinner) and the delightful Canadian comedy show Kim’s Convenience was the order of the day.
By late afternoon , I became quite stir crazy and still in my nightmare the dogs and I picked up some mozzarella dippers and sat in the Car in the beach to share them .( 3.33 dippers each) 
I opened the window as far as I dare, and the rain which was falling almost horizontally refreshed us all .
I wasn’t the only single person sat in their cars overlooking the slate coloured sea. 
I’ve always felt sorry for single people sat in their cars before.
The wind and rain blew away the cobwebs and I’ve come home and lit the fire


Something white at the window 

 I was sat in the office writing notes when a large morphing white figure slowly pressed itself to the frosted window immediately to my right. 
It was almost dark outside and there was a bang of something hard on the glass
I shat myself 
And let out an unmanly squeak 
I am the only person working at this part of the hospice.
Another white figure appeared .
Looking out of the dark

I opened the window very carefully.
Ten Kashmir goats, were happily grazing on the hospice gardens as gales started to lash the Orme

Painting By Zoom


My chickens

The last time I met up with my friend Nia was in a cooking video call, where she made supper and I made breakfast. 
This morning we were painting and chatting.
A relaxing way of spending an hour.
Talking and painting.
I plumped for a naive but colourful collection of chickens 
She was more abstract in her much loved colours of blue and white.
I can highly recommend it. 
The conversation has a different pace than if we were talking face to face

The gaps are not awkward, 
They were filled with brush strokes and giggles and lots of I don’t know what I am doing
But like doing someone else’s jigsaw, or colouring in, or doodling 
The painting was strangely therapeutic and relaxing

Nia’s work

Long Legged, Thin Lipped

Waiting outside the vets

My Hitchcock lecture tonight was the most disappointing of the eight I’d signed up for. It felt very cobbled together so I left after an hour and listened to the end of the David Sidaris essay on radio 4, which was more stimulating but somewhat sadder.
In retrospect I hadn’t then realised that I was in no mood for Hitchcock . I had just spent an unsatisfactory hour and a half or so at the vets, being gently bullshitted by well intentioned young vet about Mary’s recurrent ear infection. 
I was polite enough, recognising the way she covered what she didn’t know but when she commented that the old surgery on Mary’s ear was heavy handed then asked where I had the surgery done, my lips went thin and I hardened my tone and stare .
“ The operation was done here !” I reminded her.
My tone and lips became even thinner after I was kept waiting twice for a discussion then for meds which had been labelled incorrectly. 
“This has not been a good consultation “ I told the vet, something she didn’t follow up
I guess that the Hitchcock lecture just irritated me more 

Today’s good news is that I have picked the colour of my bedroom walls.
Given the fact I have a gently vaulted bedroom ceiling which will be painted a brilliant white, the room can take a dark tone of wall colour.
So this will be the palate I will use.....a deep dark blue

Oh.....and Thank you all for your painting advice . I have found the exploration really interesting and somewhat challenging as now I will have to change my bedroom curtains too. 
Expensively glorious Curtains that my husband and I bought together from Laura Ashley 
Our very first purchase for a shared home.
I think “lobster orange”;may be a good choice , lined of course 

I thought it was Wednesday today and am somewhat disappointed that it is  Thursday .