First Snow and thoughts of getting old

Well it had to happen! This morning the snow came down and Constance , after taking one long sad look of the back garden galloped into her cage and refused point blank to come out.
The hens too have been reluctant to come out of their coops, so I have had to put food and water out into each of the 15 houses to keep them all going.
The American Bourbon turkeys are moulting, so have no reserves to fight the wet snow. I have locked them safely up in their shed.

St Michaels this morning

The Lane outside the cottage well after dawn

The Young runners having a major panic attack in the snow

Boris before I put him back into his house

Now anyone that really knows me, will testify to the fact that I seldom get melancholy.

But....last night, when I was soaking the chicken poo out of my pours I had a brief yet heartfelt tip toe into the realisation that I am two years off fifty!

My father was 48 in 1973!....(it was one of those absent thoughts that come into your head when your mind wanders)
It's not an interesting fact....but to me...soaking in the proved to be somewhat terrifying!

I then had a gallop around some facts and figures

We have been on Wales over five years now
I have been a nurse for 27 years
In twelve years time I will be sixty
Twelve years ago , it was 1998

...and I remember everything in 1998 as though it was yesterday

In 2022 I will remember everything now as it was yesterday.........and I will then officially old man!
My dad died when he was 65!
Does anyone else do this age realization thing?
I don't feel 48. I dont feel middle aged (well except when I farted when leaning over a supermarket freezer) But middle aged I am....and it is a little scary to realise that most of my life on this planet has already been experienced...........done and dusted! 

Looking at Constance, curled up tight with George in her new bed , I realise that sometimes it must be easier being a dog......

The Trelawnyd Flower Show 2011 & HAPPY THANKSGIVING

It is freezing this morning.
After walking the dogs ( Constance had to be manhandled out of her bed)
I broke all of the ice formed on the animal water feeders, set out the corn and layers pellets and let all the birds out to free range.
By the time I had caught Lilian ( a white buff with a rattle cough), given her some antibiotic, then treated Boris with some antibacterial spray ( he has a sore claw digit) and finally dabbed Vaseline on Constance's cracked nose (a job that has to be done outside as she has a tendency to be sick with stress after the treatment) I felt chilled to the bone, so right now I am warming up with coffee and some buttered scones!
The scones were a welcomed gift from Auntie Glad, and were left overs from the flower show meeting held at her house last night. (Half way through the proceedings she treats us to hot sweet tea and lashings of buttered, freshly baked scones)

The Flower Show meeting was brief . The committee had already thrashed out the new schedule for 2011 at a previous meeting, so we just needed to cross the T'S and dot the i's.
Next year's show will have more Trophy prize cups for the winners 
The new Schedule can be seen at

I would be very interested to read your comments

and to all you Americans out there

Have a Peaceful and enjoyable


Constance Watching

Constance leg hugging

I will not apologise for sounding like a new parent. I sound like a new parent because I AM a new parent. Having a new animal in the house has always had the potential for trouble. Established pecking orders, attachments to human pack leader and house rules are often turned upside down not only by the arrival of a new dog, but more importantly by mistakes made by the humans of the household.
After looking after 6 dogs, I feel as though I am a bit of an expert at this "bedding in" lark!
and I know that there are several rules that have to followed when a new dog arrives

1. Routine is adhered to at all times.
2  favouritism to the newbe is not shown
3. ALL dogs are ignored from time to time to re enforce your own dominance
4  Feeding is done separately
5. Behaviour needs to be watched closely

Last night the dog pack here has fused nicely. Like I said in last night's blog the fact that all four dogs playfully stood at the door waiting for my arrival signified that they are now acting as one. I tested this by taking Constance out for a short walk on her own, so when we arrived back I watched the other dogs carefully and was pleased when dog leader William trotted over to sniff his welcome at Constance's nose and mouth. 
When separated, a pack will always "greet" each other when reunited even if the separation is brief, watching this ritual occur is always healthy moment !

As for Constance herself, she remains a lazy and benign presence at the cottage. Last night I watched her lumber over to Albert ( who had flattened out Chris' knitting to fashion himself a comfortable bed). With her little piggy eyes never leaving his face, she lent forward to give him one almighty "sniff" and as he sat his ground, she acquiesced to his confidence and collapsed in front of the fire ( cat now higher status than Bulldog!)
After meals she has started to become playful with William and a more mistrusting Meg which is another healthy sign , but for 90% of the day she remains a lumpy, snoring mass lying somewhere in a comfortable and warm corner.

Things have normalised

The pack awaiting their morning walk ( apologies for the scenic bin bag)

The Arbor and Welsh Celebrities

I have been making this mental list of famous Welsh celebrities all day! and I will be buggered if I can think of a final character! ( see previous blog entry)
2  .Rob Brydon (Comic and presenter)
3.  Timothy Dalton ( ex James Bond)
4.  Anthony Hopkins (nuff said)
5   Ioan Gruffuth ( Supposed Welsh Movie heart throb)
6.  Rhys Ifans ( Scruffy actor)
7.  Ruth Jones ( Buxom Actor)
8.  Sian Philips (Glorious Dietrich impersonator stage and screen actress)
9   Jonathan Price (actor)
10  Mathew Rhys (actor)
11. Michael Sheen (Tony Blair impersonator and actor)
12. Catherine Zeta Jones ( Grandad lover and actress)
13. Peter Greenaway (weird director)
14. Dawn French ( funny girl)
14. Rhod Gilbert ( VERY funny bloke)
15  Terry Jones ( actor and director)
14  Paul Whitehouse (comic actor)
15. Russell T Davies (writer)
16. Gethin Jones (Heart throb and presenter)
Gethin Jones
17. Carol Vorderman (know all and presenter)
18  Jamie Owen ( journalist and presenter)
19. Shirley Bassey (fag hag and singer)
20  Charlotte Church (singer)
21. Ann Duffy ("Duffy" singer)
22. Karl Jenkins (Composer)
23  Kelly Jones ( singer)
24  Carys Mathews ( singer)
25  Bryn Terfyl ( Opera singer)
26. Bonnie Tyler ( Meat loaf -ish singer)
27. Neil Kinnock (Politician)
28  John Prescott (fighter)
29  Tanni Gray-Thomspon ( wheelchair athlete and charity worker)
30  Colin Jackson ( camp runner)
31. Gavin Henson (Rugby player)
32. Steve Jones ( tv presenter)
33. Owen Teal (actor)
34  Ian Hislop ( Journalist and presenter)
35 Tom Jones ( sex god)
36. Ryan Giggs ( footballer)
37. John Humphreys (Journalist)
38  Griff Rhys Jones ( comic)
39  Brian Hibbard (actor)
40  Angharad Rees (actress)
41. Anna Ryder Richardson (designer)
42. Jason Hughes ( actor This Life)
43. Tom Ward (actor Silent  Witness)
44. Philip Madoc ( actor)
45. Sara Sugerman ( director)
46. Peter Wingfield (actor)
47  Pam Ferris (actress)
48. Lloyd Owen ( actor )
49  Aled Jones (singer and presenter)
Blood hell One more to go !!!! Can anyone help......must be alive and well known

This evening I just couldn't miss a "quality" one night showing of the artist and writer Clio Barnard's acclaimed movie The Arbor at the Scala.
The Arbor is the nickname of the infamous Buttershaw estate in Bradford where the writer Andrea Dunbar grew up in the late 1970s. She found the inspiration for her works such as Rita, Sue and Bob Too  and The Arbor ( a play she wrote when only 15) in this poverty filled Yorkshire slum where she lived until her death in 1980.
Dunbar was a tragic character, despite her talent , she was an alcoholic and neglectful of her three children from three different men. (one daughter became a heroin addict herself and was convicted of the manslaughter of her own child)....At the age of only 29, she died of a brain hemorrhage in a pub toilet.

Natalie Gavin who plays "The Girl" in several reenactments of Dunbar's writing

This drama/documentary about Dunbar concentrates its attentions to the actual spoken words of her children and surviving family and friends and has actors lip syncing their stories in a remarkably innovative and at times terribly moving piece. The two actors portraying Andrea's daughters: the tragic Lorraine (Manjinder Virk) and the more emotionally robust sister Lisa (Christine Bottomley) are quite amazing when they live the real womens' story to camera, and after a  minute or so, the audience literally forgets that the actors are in fact miming.
As it turns out, the documentary concentrates less of Andrea Dunbar herself and turns it's spot light upon the sins of the mother revisiting the lives of the children, but is no less interesting for the fact.
The Arbor  is a gripping, innovative and absorbing piece of cinema

I got home around 10.20pm and with Chris away the dogs galloped around the house in  giddy excitement at my return. It was lovely to see Constance bouncing her hefty welcome along side her new feels as though she has been accepted

Welsh Wonders No 1

Does anyone else out there play mind or word games with themselves when completing mundane jobs around the home?
I do it all of the time........
Today, when I was cleaning out the bird drinkers I set myself the challenge of listing 50 "modern day" Welsh celebrities with talent!
Now there are some rules in this game
(Yes I was taking myself seriously)
The celebrity must be Welsh
They must be living ( so cheating extra names such as the actors Richard Burton, Stanley Baker,Hugh Griffith,Edmund Gwen,Rachel Roberts and entertainers such as Harry Seacome and Tommy Cooper cannot be "entered")
Did I get up to 50? Well you will have to wait and see.... Number one was an arbitrary choice.....Katherine Jenkins the Welsh soprano and "forces sweetheart" ( The title she stole from Liverpudlian actress and Nigel pin up Claire Sweeney )
She is slightly too saccharine for my tastes but she is, there is no doubt, a talented and successful ambassador for Wales! I will post one famous Welsh celebrity a day if I remember!
I picked this clip for Tracey, as there is a a muscle bound "angel" that turns up towards the end of the video........and fair dos to Miss Jenkins......she did all her own stunts!

Chris has left the village for three days down in London....
So I can get stuck in with toilet training Constance who is presently play fighting with Meg in the kitchen.
Above is George who had been chased so much by the two new Light Sussex Hens, that he whipped himself into a total frenzy out on the field.......

The Joy of Embarrassment

I love those little moments in life that shriek embarrassment!
Of course the "victim" must not be harmed unduly ( either physically or emotionally), but the dénouement of any such event must be punchy and totally unexpected.....if it is to amuse the watcher
Today I took Richard to the train station in Prestatyn. We were a little early, so decided to go for a coffee at the scala cinema and as we walked down the High Street, we spied a security van parked slightly skew wiff next to the bank.
A small crowd had gathered as the van's alarm was sounding ( It sang out a somewhat strange, slightly effeminate plea of "get help....get help!" and the  driver was stood unhappily  by the vehicle talking to two bored looking police women!
I stopped and asked an elderly man what was the matter and he laughed
"The stupid twat of a guard has locked himself inside the van and has been there for ages"

Like I said , I love little moments like these.....especially when they happen to someone else and not me........

A few years ago I was standing in the Nat West Bank in Rhyl, waiting for a till to become available. when I noticed my sister in law standing at the enquiry till.The bank was crowded and I was in a hurry so after I deposited my cheque , I sneaked up behind her and for some strange reason whacked her soundly on the arse with the flat of my hand..
The smack  made a resounding " TWACK" as hand came in contact with skirt covered bum  and I seemed to elicit a collective "oooooooohhhhh" from the crowd of customers a second before ( and yes you've guessed it) a woman that was NOT my sister in law yelled out at the top of her lungs
" what the f*ck?!!!!!!!"

I seem to spend my life doing things like this 

how embarrassing.

Just something to illustrate my next post

Hubble, bubble toil and trouble

Like three old witches we sat around the breakfast table slagging off the service given to us by the Chinese restaurant last night..  Soon ,Chris is taking his father to Church and then to the Red lion pub at nearby Llanasa (pic) for manly pint.....I will give the dogs a proper walk, prepare lunch then sneak off to bed....I am working tonight.

Constance (aka Frankie) has been with us a week now, and I am presently sat here, typing this blog whilst reviewing her "progress" with her plonked happily next to me on the couch.
It has been an easy week all told. She has proved herself to be a benign and affectionate despot, that demands very little in the way of time and effort. She is affectionate and eager to please and delights in rubbing her huge box like , dead pan face into yours  when you make a fuss of is an odd it is a bit like being sexually molested by a somewhat hairy Buster Keaton
The other dogs have accepted her but remain somewhat wary. Although clearly a dog, Her somewhat "plodding" personality and lazy behaviour has confused them I am sure. When she is challenged, for the best position on a couch or close position to Chris and I, Constance will roll her big sad eyes slowly and studiously ignore the situation . thus avoiding any conflict or aggression.
The terriers find all this passive inactivity confusing to say the least........but as an avoidance to fights, it seems to work very well indeed.
Right, enough already... I am off now to clean out the wood burner.......Chris and his dad are out.....just enough time to secretly cast my phone vote for Matt............I am a sad old git