Midnight Snore and lesbian memories

Now that is a blog entry title that should grab the attention.
Firstly I will give you a quick update on Frankie- I took the video just before I went to bed last night, The cottage was more or less dark and Frankie had crept out of her bed in the kitchen to lie right next to the wood burner......I wanted to underline her snoring prowess rather than to take a proper video of her.....and snore she can...for bloody England!
Frankie sleeps 90% of the day. She is not a lover of walking outside, ( a fact I have found out very quickly) and prefers to sit next to Chris on the couch in her waking hours whilst watching him very closely with her little piggy eyes.
She loves human contact, adores being cuddled and has studiously ignored the other dogs and cat since her arrival .
She hates loud noises, Vaseline on her nose ( apparently Bulldog noses need a regular "dab" cos they get cracked) and the great outdoors...............
Anyhow I am just about to sort out the field chores before I go onto nights tonight but I will leave you with a memory I have which has been sparked by last night's "lesbian" movie. ( forgive me if I have blogged this story before)
Years ago we went to a social evening with a group of friends at the house of a lesbian couple I will call Annie and Lou. Although likable Annie and Lou were terribly intense. Public shows of affection were the norm with them......with long glances of half concealed passion, secret jokes and heavy and sincere conversations peppering the light social evening.
It was always just a tad too much for me.
Anyhow I remember us all being in the kitchen and on top of the piano was a beautiful gold bowl with a lit floating candle gliding around amid a load of rose petals. Annie explained without any guile that this was their "eternal flame of love" a symbol of the couple's deep DEEP emotion for each other.
The group nodded appreciatively at this sight biting our lips carefully and after Annie went to get nibbles from the kitchen, we all stood around in slightly stunned silence looking at this little candle.
The pause in the proceedings was broken by my friend Julie ( a no nonsense broad Yorkshire lass) who whipped out a cigarette saying "fuck this for a game of soldiers" and promptly lit her fag on the candle
Funny what you remember isn't it?

The Kids are alright

A near empty cinema (just the way I like it) and a cracking film.... just the thing for a bloody wintry Monday evening I can tell you. I have just enjoyed the comedy/drama The Kids Are All Right...yes you know ...it's the one about lesbian parents with kids who meet up with the sperm donor guy!
Humm all very modern day.......
Only it isn't! Writer/ director Lisa Cholodenko has crafted a interesting and wry look not only about lesbian relations in middle age ( she nails completely the slightly cloying intensity of many couples I have known over the years) but also the bittersweet reality of parenthood, long term intimacy, puberty and marriage.
Middle age doctor Nic ( Annette Bening) and long term partner Jules (Julianne Moore) and their two teenage children Joni and Lazer (   a talented Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson) are finding their way through the trials and tribulations of normal family life......They have their own problems (Nic is a somewhat of a control freak with am unhealthy liking for good red wine and Jules is an unfulfilled mom with no direction) , but when the children locate their rather immature but likable sperm donor father (Mark Ruffalo )....chaos ensues!
Yes , it is all very grown up, and at times bitingly funny and then immensely moving....and I have never seen Annette Benning  as good as she is in her difficult role of a rather unlikable,prickly and totally vulnerable Nic. She is quite simply magnificent
The film is really not about lesbians it is just a movie about those invisible ties all  families possess in some shape and form....... and although bright and sassy, it is never sentimental, or smug It's just........well very good .
I gave it an 8.5 out of 10 

Animal 94 and a thank you

"Angostura" turned up this morning........An early morning phone call and a plea to take a somewhat "mental" female Guinea fowl started the day off in its usual multi job way.
Apparently she has been a somewhat forthright and bitter little bird that has always been in the company of hens rather than her own kind, so my small flock of guinea offered her owner a potential way out for re homing.
Lets hope she can learn to roost pretty quickly! White guineas on the ground are like a smorgasbord to a fox.
Angostrura ( Ang for short) is safe for the night.... she walked right past Alf, Hughie and Ivy when they lined up to roost in the now stripped Graveyard Elm....and smartly joined Stanley and the old hens in their hen house at the bottom of the field
I just wanted to add my thanks to that of my sister for the lovely selection of raffle prizes Linda over at ManchesterLass sent to Janet in order to raise money for Motor Neurone Research. It was a kindness that has touched us all very much indeed, especially given the fact that she took the trouble ( and at considerable cost) to package her prizes all the way from Australia.
It was a lovely gesture
Thank you x

Off to the cinema now.... need a movie fix

British Bulldog

Now I may need to explain this slightly "odd" photo....the object, on the right is not one of Richard Attenborough's trilobites...it is in fact Nigella's meatloaf which I have just been covering with strips of streaky bacon.
Watching me intently has been Frankie, who seems to have made herself very much at home thank you very much. She is obviously clingy, so it is a case where you goes she goes but so far peace has reigned at Bwythyn-y-llan with the other dogs still ignoring this strange lumbering beastie!
She refused her usual meal of tripe this morning ( I have never in my life smelt something so disgusting) but did scoff the lot after I sat down and hand fed it to her! We have not seen her wee or drink anything as yet but no doubt there is a puddle of something lurking around the lino somewhere.......Resorting to past experience we have attempted to toilet her 2 hourly
Albert flitted past her earlier and she lifted her head briefly from a fitful doze on the couch, before collapsing back to sleep......she just could not be arsed doing anything more
Start as she means to go on, me thinks 

- Quickstep - Strictly Come Dancing 2010

I am not a fan of Welsh Rugby Player Gavin... but his kiss with camp judge Bruno was inspired!!!!!

The New Girl

It is 23.17pm and this blog is for Mandy (Frankie's previous and very loving owner)
Constance (Frankie) is safely shut up into her crate in the kitchen
She has sat with Chris all night on his couch, and has snored doggy snores even when fully awake...
It has been delightful watching Chris and her interact, as both of them possess deadpan expressions ( Constance only has little piggy eyes for him!).... and I have a sneaky suspicion that Chris will really take to this new, ungainly and rather handsome lady! All through the x factor we have heard farts galore and snores abundant.........so much so, Chris remarked somewhat dryly that if I died I would be reincarnated into a British Bull dog.
day one has gone alright
( see the rest of today's blogs for the gist of the day!)

Matt Cardle sings Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - The X Factor Live show 6 -...

Now I absolutely HATE Elton John...so tonight's homage to him on the x factor left me cold as a bloody iceberg.......mind you most of the singing was drowned out by bull doggy snoring from the couch!

Matt's still a real cutie though!!!!!

Animal number 93

She came home with us this afternoon.
Amid more heavy breathing than would be expected from a stereotypical pervert, Frankie ambled into the cottage with the air of a depressed bariatric sumo wrestler.
The dogs with varying degrees of mild interest, vague disgust and friendly indifference seem to have accepted  the presence of this strange looking, nasally challenged new bitch ( so far) and could only stare (open mouthed.....well almost) when she climbed up onto the couch to sit with Chris after ambling around the cottage 
Hey ho