British Bulldog

Now I may need to explain this slightly "odd" photo....the object, on the right is not one of Richard Attenborough's is in fact Nigella's meatloaf which I have just been covering with strips of streaky bacon.
Watching me intently has been Frankie, who seems to have made herself very much at home thank you very much. She is obviously clingy, so it is a case where you goes she goes but so far peace has reigned at Bwythyn-y-llan with the other dogs still ignoring this strange lumbering beastie!
She refused her usual meal of tripe this morning ( I have never in my life smelt something so disgusting) but did scoff the lot after I sat down and hand fed it to her! We have not seen her wee or drink anything as yet but no doubt there is a puddle of something lurking around the lino somewhere.......Resorting to past experience we have attempted to toilet her 2 hourly
Albert flitted past her earlier and she lifted her head briefly from a fitful doze on the couch, before collapsing back to sleep......she just could not be arsed doing anything more
Start as she means to go on, me thinks 


  1. Coking Tripe smells awful!
    Hello Frankie - we have a girl Frankie but she is a cat !!!

  2. cooking Tripe that should be !

  3. LOL, not sure on Bulldogs, and other than their pushed in faces I have no idea if they have a single thing in common :O),,,but Boxers are very clingy dogs! They do not like to be apart from their humans at all! They always want to "help" you do everything you are doing as well. LOL. I am thinking though Frankie may not be quite as energetic to "help" :O). She may be happy supervising from her spot. She is so cute!

    Nigella, I like her cooking show.:O).

  4. Ok, I just went and looked up what Tripe is. OH my gosh! No wonder she turned her nose up at it. ewwwww. I understand she is a doggy and not a vegetarian to boot but ewwwww LOL

  5. Oh, dear little thing. (the bulldog...) I hope she has a nice life with you. Looks like it - hand fed tripe!

  6. Tripe? You cooked her tripe AND hand fed it to her? Oi! Is she sick or gonna be?

    I don't know what to say........

  7. I'm so glad Frankie is settling in! I have to admit that even though I know it's good for them, I don't feed my dogs anything with tripe in it--I don't like it, so they don't get it either. As far as Frankie "going" I would just remind you that a girl sometimes likes her privacy and doesn't want to be watched--although with our dogs, I've not gone by myself since we got them, they are just sure there's an alternate door in the bathroom that I'll slip out of without them! Enjoy your day John!!

  8. kimI agree
    the quicker I get her on other food the better!!!
    I shall wean her slowly!

  9. No wonder she has gas!Ewww!I can't talk we feed our dogs all kind! I think you may have to change her name to Queen Frankie,she seems to like to have the royal treatment! She came to the right home I guess!

  10. Anonymous2:15 pm

    Nothing quite like the smell of tripe; definitely one where you have to fight the gagging reflex as you put it in the dog's bowl ... ;0)

    Typically, our greyhound loves it!

  11. I am happy to hear she resides with you!! She will love her home very soon I bet!!

  12. We tried Sophie with tripe a couple of times. She loved it....raw! We didn't. We don't get it anymore for her.
    Looks like Frankie/Connie is part of the familt already.

  13. John, I'm going to ask a dumb question...what is tripe? I am picturing it in my head but have no idea what it is. I'm glad you explained the meatloaf--I thought it was a pumpkin :) LOL

  14. Just remembering my dad used to say, " That's a load of tripe " about someone bullshitting ( oops sorry Frankie - I'm sure yours smells like roses - but not if you eat tripe !
    My brothers played British Bulldog.

  15. Have fun finding the delicacy she enjoys eating. There must be something besides tripe.

  16. have you purchased her satin pillow yet?

    I love the the markings on her head. Too cute.

  17. I'm guessing Frankie was hoping you'd drop some of that bacon. ;)

  18. I think the hand feeding was a tad much, but she DID need a bit of pampering!

    tonight she has tried a bit of "normal" dog food.... and woofed it

  19. I'm envious. A year and a half later, the 4th cat that was added to our household is still causing problems. He's not a problem himself, he's very well mannered and laid back. It just upset the other cats and they still haven't recovered, the silly things. When you have problems with a dog, you can train them out. When you have problems with cats, you just learn to live with it. And buy spray cat-piss neutralizer by the gallon.

  20. Glad to hear it!

    So.... what are you going to call her? Frankie, Francis, Connie, British Bulldog or wait until one comes out of your mouth? My sister had a dog named Sh*t, because of Oh, sh*t she did it again! and oh, sh*t what did you do now?, gradually she thought that was her name and came to it, her first name was Sissy, but she didn't recognize it.

  21. We used to play 'British Bulldog'on a well worn and dusty plyground at primary School. Most commonly one or two players were selected to play the parts of the "bulldogs" (for whom the game is named). The bulldogs would stand in the middle of the play area and all the remaining players stand at one end of the area (home) - anything up to 50 of them. The aim of the game was to run from one end of the 'field of play' to the other, without being caught by the bulldogs. When a player is caught, they become a bulldog themselves. The winner is the last player 'free'. Sort of a version of "The Last Man Standing", or "Claiming the Flag".

    btw - personally I like tripe, good grub, but I would never deliberately feed it to any of my dogs! Shits would be trumps!LOL!

  22. I`ve never smelled tripe cooking so I`ll take everyone`s words on how badly it smells!

  23. I'm drooling over that meat loaf!

  24. Paul loves tripe.....ugh! xxx

  25. tripe...that reminds me last year as MoJo's health declined I made her homemade "slump"-I am sure smells similarly to tripe. Ugh. I cooked that for her for months, it was the only thing she could eat.


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