The New Girl

It is 23.17pm and this blog is for Mandy (Frankie's previous and very loving owner)
Constance (Frankie) is safely shut up into her crate in the kitchen
She has sat with Chris all night on his couch, and has snored doggy snores even when fully awake...
It has been delightful watching Chris and her interact, as both of them possess deadpan expressions ( Constance only has little piggy eyes for him!).... and I have a sneaky suspicion that Chris will really take to this new, ungainly and rather handsome lady! All through the x factor we have heard farts galore and snores much so, Chris remarked somewhat dryly that if I died I would be reincarnated into a British Bull dog.
day one has gone alright
( see the rest of today's blogs for the gist of the day!)


  1. If you care daughter Jessica, Daisy's mum, says a spoonful of probiotic yoghurt mixed with her food helps reduce the farting. Sorry, you're on your own with the snoring!

  2. jacqueline
    yoghurt for me or the dog????

  3. Yoghurt for the dog....alcohol for you!

  4. How funny. I am going to try Jacqueline's recommendation for my own dogs :) LOL

  5. hehehe...if you get the dog to stop farting who will you blame yours on!

  6. Welcome Constance (Frankie)!!! xo

  7. The photo in an earlier post of Chris & Constance sizing each other up is priceless. Here's to the start of a beautiful friendship!


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