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Just at the right time

I have to give Cassie a big thank you today. I worked a bloody awful shift last night and had to deal with one of the most traumatised families I have ever worked with in recent times.
I got home this morning tired and rather shopworn, so it was lovely to find a late birthday gift from blog supporter Cassie waiting for me by the back door!
I couldn't have asked for a more thoughtful gift......herbal foot cream and wait for it.............PROPER COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Idaho blend and Loose Moose Far North blend!!)
I was tickled pink!
Thank you again Cassie....it made my day


I managed an hour in the garden, but as it is with too many jobs and not enough time, I completely over faced myself with things needed to be done. The sun is incredibly hot this afternoon, and all of the animals are either hiding in the long grass or crouched in the shade of the hen houses. The 12 juvenile hens in the shed need to go out in their own run desperately, and hopefully tomorrow will be the day that my ultra cheap chicken wire (bought from ebay) will be delivered! I will construct a temporary run for them and they can be acclimatised to the old buff coop.
The two baby chicks who were rejected by Lily yesterday are doing well under the heat lamp by the way.

I have just been thinking about a rather unpleasant conversation I had with a villager in the week. I won't go into details but this person felt as though they were entitled to some information which I thought they were not privy to. After a brief exchange of views, I ended up being rather snappy
I cannot abide bullying, nor can I abide little man syndrome, so when I am on the receiving end of such behaviours I can lose my temper quite easily, which is not always the best thing to do in a small community.
I wish, sometimes that I didn't react so quickly. I envy those people that can balance themselves and then are able to put someone in their place with a dignified one liner. I just get angry and flare up, but hey at least the people on the receiving end know exactly where they stand on a particular issue which is perhaps the only positive to be had.
It may sound a little ironic but despite my slightly battling nature, I don't enjoy conflict at all

Chickens may safely Graze

The weather again is beautiful, and I have started to thin the cottage plnting in the back garden.
Sunday is always a time for Radio 4, The archers and Kirsty Young on Desert Island Discs.......today we had a very old but sprightly sounding Dennis Healy and "sheep may safely graze"...
Night shift tonight
Chris Back tomorrow

Caerwys Show

I decided to take George to the show rather than the usually over active William, and seeing that there was literally hundreds of other dogs milling around, he was beautifully behaved throughout the day. He seemed fascinated with the shire horses and sat still and rapt as they thundered through the show ring, only stopping briefly when I brought out the lunch box
The poultry winners made most of my girls look like Hillbillies but at least my Buff cockerels looked on par with the buff winners, or so I thought!
As we watched the dog show, one of the Judges called over and said I should have entered George in the terrier class, "That is a good, well balanced dog" he said
"He comes from a good well balanced owner!" I replied.

We wandered around for a few hours, and although quite small, the show was incredibly traditional. Whereas the narration over the loudspeaker was in English for the horse judging, in a neighbouring field the commentary for the cattle and sheep was in Welsh.

We came home mid afternoon, I needed to drop off some fertilized hens eggs to a chap in Llanasa and managed to swap two day old chicks for Poppy the robust Male Buff cockerel. The day olds I have secreted under Lily.....here's hoping she will "adopt them"


My blog reader from Korea hasn't logged in for a month now.....I am worried.....


It is now 6.40am and I have just finished making some bread rolls and of alll things a bowl of egg custard (with Chris away I have a glut of milk to use up). The morning is bright and sunny and I am sitting down with my morning treat of proper coffee.
Since going VERY part time, money has been tight. Not as a couple you understand, but my own wages are well perfunctory to say the least. Now I know that I will have to organise more bank shifts to pay for those extras such as coal, the car tax and service, vet bills and the like but there is one good side for being generally, well skint! (apart from the animals of course)
When you are skint, you appreciate those small treats that before hand you always took for granted. For example, now I really enjoy proper brewed coffee!, I go goo-goo over AA batteries for my digital radio, and a cold diet coke on a hot day (I am the only one that buys them from the village post office!) is wonderful.
My sisters do not understand this fetish I have with coffee and batteries, but have indulged me when buying my birthday and Christmas gifts... they cannot quite understand how I appreciate these little treats as much as something less run-of -the-mill.
Anyhow I am going to the Caerwys show with William in tow at 11am I will post some photographs of the event later.
ps (I am taking some proper coffee with me in a flask!!!)


With Chris still away until Monday the dogs and I have spent all of the long sunny day outside. The pace of the day has slowed and I have enjoyed watching those small little moments that generally you seem to miss when busy with more important jobs.
Albert has grown into a delightfully warm adult cat. He has spent most of the day hunting along the field borders but will often re enforce his affectionate bonds with the dogs by running up to each one and rubbing his face against theirs. Even Maddie allows this show of over familiarity, and for the briefest of moments will stand still as Albert greets her.
It sounds rather stupid, but this sweet little behaviour moves me greatly.

Four of the hybrids have been struck down with the Broody bug, so that makes an exhausting 8 birds that are not laying any eggs! I am going to the Caerwys agricultural show tomorrow which is renowned for its poultry, so I may be able to buy a couple more chicks to help break them .(Above), George chasing a rabbit at teatime- suffice to say there was a great deal of barking and nothing caught.

This evening I am in the middle of collating the Flower Show history and am working at our Arts and Crafts bureau at the bottom of the stairs....My netbook fits beautifully on the tiny workspace...The cottage is rather quiet without Chris