
It is now 6.40am and I have just finished making some bread rolls and of alll things a bowl of egg custard (with Chris away I have a glut of milk to use up). The morning is bright and sunny and I am sitting down with my morning treat of proper coffee.
Since going VERY part time, money has been tight. Not as a couple you understand, but my own wages are well perfunctory to say the least. Now I know that I will have to organise more bank shifts to pay for those extras such as coal, the car tax and service, vet bills and the like but there is one good side for being generally, well skint! (apart from the animals of course)
When you are skint, you appreciate those small treats that before hand you always took for granted. For example, now I really enjoy proper brewed coffee!, I go goo-goo over AA batteries for my digital radio, and a cold diet coke on a hot day (I am the only one that buys them from the village post office!) is wonderful.
My sisters do not understand this fetish I have with coffee and batteries, but have indulged me when buying my birthday and Christmas gifts... they cannot quite understand how I appreciate these little treats as much as something less run-of -the-mill.
Anyhow I am going to the Caerwys show with William in tow at 11am I will post some photographs of the event later.
ps (I am taking some proper coffee with me in a flask!!!)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. Things I call simple pleasures are relished when they aren't always available to us.

    I make huckleberry jam with my friend Ilse, in Montana and that stuff is to die for. Wish I could ship some of that to you, but I'm afraid it wouldn't make it. Hot bread with jam. Yum yum.


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