
With Chris still away until Monday the dogs and I have spent all of the long sunny day outside. The pace of the day has slowed and I have enjoyed watching those small little moments that generally you seem to miss when busy with more important jobs.
Albert has grown into a delightfully warm adult cat. He has spent most of the day hunting along the field borders but will often re enforce his affectionate bonds with the dogs by running up to each one and rubbing his face against theirs. Even Maddie allows this show of over familiarity, and for the briefest of moments will stand still as Albert greets her.
It sounds rather stupid, but this sweet little behaviour moves me greatly.

Four of the hybrids have been struck down with the Broody bug, so that makes an exhausting 8 birds that are not laying any eggs! I am going to the Caerwys agricultural show tomorrow which is renowned for its poultry, so I may be able to buy a couple more chicks to help break them .(Above), George chasing a rabbit at teatime- suffice to say there was a great deal of barking and nothing caught.

This evening I am in the middle of collating the Flower Show history and am working at our Arts and Crafts bureau at the bottom of the stairs....My netbook fits beautifully on the tiny workspace...The cottage is rather quiet without Chris

1 comment:

  1. Pass some of those broody hens our way. I keep waiting but none of the girls seems ready.


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