Caerwys Show

I decided to take George to the show rather than the usually over active William, and seeing that there was literally hundreds of other dogs milling around, he was beautifully behaved throughout the day. He seemed fascinated with the shire horses and sat still and rapt as they thundered through the show ring, only stopping briefly when I brought out the lunch box
The poultry winners made most of my girls look like Hillbillies but at least my Buff cockerels looked on par with the buff winners, or so I thought!
As we watched the dog show, one of the Judges called over and said I should have entered George in the terrier class, "That is a good, well balanced dog" he said
"He comes from a good well balanced owner!" I replied.

We wandered around for a few hours, and although quite small, the show was incredibly traditional. Whereas the narration over the loudspeaker was in English for the horse judging, in a neighbouring field the commentary for the cattle and sheep was in Welsh.

We came home mid afternoon, I needed to drop off some fertilized hens eggs to a chap in Llanasa and managed to swap two day old chicks for Poppy the robust Male Buff cockerel. The day olds I have secreted under's hoping she will "adopt them"


  1. The Caerwys Show looks like what we call a county fair. I love those things where they judge the livestock and the judges tell why they've chosen or not chosen a particular sheep, bull, cow, etc.

    Maybe George will be entered next year? He is a cutie. You should enter your poultry too. Do they award ribbons or cash?

  2. I am not sure...I thinks it is just a rosette!
    oh no, me thinks the Pretstayn and Trelawnyd flower shows are my limits

  3. It is called a county fair here also but we usually only have them in the fall. Makes it a little hard for the chicken people as the hens often have started moulting. sadly most fair over here no longer include chickens. Actually there mostly only have cattle and horses these days.
    Your pictures are great and that must have given you a bit of pride regarding the comment about your little buddy.


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