Sister Act

With the so-bad-it's-good film Mamma Mia doing so well at the UK box office, I was reminded last night of another crap film that turned out to be an enjoyable cinematic romp. Sister Act (1992) IS on the surface a dreadful sentimental,heavy handed,rather dated limp comedy from the 1940's.-.Lounge singer Deloris Van Cartier (a cracking name by the way) has witnessed a murder. She is put into a convent for safe keeping until her boyfriend can be prosecuted, and subsequently teaches the ropey convent choir how to sing......Yep not an arthouse film in any shape or form, but last night when it was shown on ITV2, I found myself really enjoying it.
Whoopi Goldberg camping it up with great gusto is a perfect tart-with-a heart Doloris. Maggie Smith plays Maggie Smith in a habit as the mother superior and good old Mary Wickes (remember the wisecracking nurse from Now, Voyager (1942) turns up as a wisecracking old nun)
Pure sentimental rubbish.......but if like me you enjoy watching a motley group of comedy nuns singing soul, well then get it out on dvd.....

Blog number 1001

I have been writing this rubbish for a few years now and can you believe this is blog number 1001?!!!!!!!!! The banalities of everyday life in cottage and field keep me amused and busy, so today's blog I guess will carry on this tradition quite nicely.
The weather has been autumnal, blustery and wet.Boris remains in the shed,but is looking better if not a little lonely without Grace. Occasionally you can hear him kick the cage door loudly in an effort to stave off his boredom. I have moved his house into an enclosure of his own (away from the chickens that can carry the dreaded Blackhead parasite- even though all of them have been wormed and treated). I can left a message with Pam, who gave me the pair only a few months ago- hopefully I can buy a new mate for him as soon as possible.
Two male pheasants have been circulating the field for a month now, and each day they have been getting more and more confident with my pottering.Today they walked past me almost at arms length, and started to eat the duck food.
I suspect their confidence is related to Duncan's absence, as Stanley is rather more laid back with their visits.
The new little cockerel Rogo (who looks like a tiny version of Duncan) isn't quite old enough to start the normal cockerel macho behaviours.

Ann and Tim's New York Trip

Don't you just love the internet. Sister Ann and Brother in law tim sent me this video of their first New York trip.
Although we have been to New York many many times now, I forgot just how beautiful the city IS on a sunny day...

Old Blue Eyes

Paul Newman 1925-2008
What would we be be without Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) ,Sweet Bird of Youth (1962),Cool Hand Luke (1967) and
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)? (I also loved his tv movie as director The Shadow Box (1980)-one of the first and most supportive tv films relating to gay partner issues)


Caught up with village gossip today (apparently a cannabis "factory" was found in an un occupied house in the centre of the village last week), and did all those jobs I couldn't fit in between holiday and night shifts.The buffs were happy to see me and in turn climbed their way into my lap for a cuddle and the chance of an extra titbit.
Boris looks slightly better today, and seems to be rather impatient, locked away in the safety of the shed. I went to Sainsburys today to get his extra sweetcorn and cheap bread (when in doubt FEED a sick turkey) and he has stuffed his cakehole all day. I am not getting excited, as reading about turkey ailments on the geeky sounding Turkey Forum web page, has scared the life out of me,- reading this made me marvel that any turkey pullet survives to adulthood.
I Cleaned the house and hen houses, collected feed from the wholesalers, walked the dogs and bought well earned pressies for neighbour Ewan for looking after Maddie and George when we were away. I heard from Sylvia that the memorial hall will now not be ready for out flower show winter "fayre" in December. The hall itself is almost finished ( all the windows apparently have to have their glass replaced with safety panes-hence the delay) I must say the building does look impressive
I have not slept properly for over three days.......and feel rather spaced this evening

Serial killer

Grace died this morning; with the two dog attack deaths, the black hooker with heart failure and the strangled duck, the death count on the field has reached five. I am beginning to feel that I am living in an Inspector Morse tv special. I know that I have done everything I can to stave off illness and infections (all the birds have been wormed,fed appropriately and cared for), but a little part of me feels that perhaps I am missing something.
I suspect Grace died of a nasty infection known as "Blackhead",, that can decimate turkey flocks. It is untreatable and steps can only be taken to prevent it rather than to treat it.
Boris is still eating and looks his usual "depressive" self, but unfortunately has the yellow poo symptom of the condition. I have treated his water heavily with antibiotics and have hand fed him the odd crust of bread, but I am worried he will deteriorate as quickly as poor Grace did.I will do everything to prevent it, it is a pity I am on nights again tonight
Chris unhelpfully stated this morning that "they re only birds" and in the truest sense of the word, they are, "just birds", but the turkeys,the buffs of course and the ever optimistic Mildred Pierce all have particular places in my affections.I guess it is silly being so "attached " to a mere bird but attached you become!
I am working tonight, and have an appointment with the senior ITU manager if we can fit it in. The staff know I am planning to leave Intensive care to work on the local NHS bank, so I feel it time to officially discuss it
.It is nice to know that I shall be missed when I leave (not for my intensive care technical prowess- which can be pretty ropey!!!!!!!!) but for the effect I have had on morale on the unit.
As one of the staff said to me last night...I may be shite at knowing what drug goes in what concentration, but I can and do, make people laugh........hey that will do for me.....

Holiday pics, Home....Turkey ITU

In typical British style I will now bore you all with some holiday pics. Above is the outside restaurant of the Santa Maria. We spent most of our time filling our faces here, and enjoying every morsel. The head waiter Paco, once in receipt of a large tip, would spend each subsequent visit piling on vast quantities of wine, desserts and other tasty "extras" (non of which we would actually pay for) He was a real sweetie
Chris looking rather smug outside the main Church on the Promenade. (It featured in the last scene of "Day Of The Triffids!"
Fire works and Children actually do mix The fiesta Santa Techia

The view of the Promenade and sea from our hotel window. The Spanish dog walking would start in earnest around 6 pm

We finally got home at 2 am and after 3 hours sleep I was up again getting back to the field. All the helpers had done a Stirling job, but as usual one poor bugger looked worse for wear, and this time it was Grace. Looking weak as a kitten and with bright green poo, obviously something serious was afoot, so, this morning, off I trundled along the well worn route to the vets.
Thank god the old trusty vet Mr Sergent was on duty, so Grace was given the first class once over and pummelled with antibiotics and other such medicines and treatments. Turkeys are notoriously weak when ill and succumb very quickly, so I packed her and a not-so-sparkling Boris into ITU in the shed for some TLC, I just hope she pulls through. I have had too many patients die just recently. She looks rather weak and is off her legs, she is not eating too which is worrying, but I did manage to spoon some sugar water into her an hour ago, but I am a little pessimistic .
The buff chicks on the other hand have done well when we were away and are bouncing babies with the typical patchy bald and dirty bums of their breed; the dogs too are looking fine after their break. All remain exhausted after kennels and Carole's, and are heaped in untidy bundles on and around me as I type this. Their reaction to our homecoming makes all the hard animal work worthwhile.
I am working tonight and Sunday night, which is a real bummer. Auntie Gladys called round though a couple of minutes ago, with a huge pile of scones, which was another nice homecoming gift.

Santa Maria

Holidays always assume a pace of their own. Ours never really changes here in Sitges.
10 hours sleep, breakfast overlooking the sea, walk for 2 kilometres, sit and read, lunch,sit and read, shower, walk, dinner bed.
Ok not very exciting, but very relaxing. We don´t chat to others, we don´t hit the bars and we don´t sight there.
Most of the day I people watch. This morning, during our last breakfast, I have watched the parade of dogs (and their owners) amble too and fro, up and down the promenade.The dogs are all similar (in behaviour and not breed that is)-they are polite and controlled well............. I like the Spanish....they love their dogs...