Blog number 1001

I have been writing this rubbish for a few years now and can you believe this is blog number 1001?!!!!!!!!! The banalities of everyday life in cottage and field keep me amused and busy, so today's blog I guess will carry on this tradition quite nicely.
The weather has been autumnal, blustery and wet.Boris remains in the shed,but is looking better if not a little lonely without Grace. Occasionally you can hear him kick the cage door loudly in an effort to stave off his boredom. I have moved his house into an enclosure of his own (away from the chickens that can carry the dreaded Blackhead parasite- even though all of them have been wormed and treated). I can left a message with Pam, who gave me the pair only a few months ago- hopefully I can buy a new mate for him as soon as possible.
Two male pheasants have been circulating the field for a month now, and each day they have been getting more and more confident with my pottering.Today they walked past me almost at arms length, and started to eat the duck food.
I suspect their confidence is related to Duncan's absence, as Stanley is rather more laid back with their visits.
The new little cockerel Rogo (who looks like a tiny version of Duncan) isn't quite old enough to start the normal cockerel macho behaviours.

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