Sister Act

With the so-bad-it's-good film Mamma Mia doing so well at the UK box office, I was reminded last night of another crap film that turned out to be an enjoyable cinematic romp. Sister Act (1992) IS on the surface a dreadful sentimental,heavy handed,rather dated limp comedy from the 1940's.-.Lounge singer Deloris Van Cartier (a cracking name by the way) has witnessed a murder. She is put into a convent for safe keeping until her boyfriend can be prosecuted, and subsequently teaches the ropey convent choir how to sing......Yep not an arthouse film in any shape or form, but last night when it was shown on ITV2, I found myself really enjoying it.
Whoopi Goldberg camping it up with great gusto is a perfect tart-with-a heart Doloris. Maggie Smith plays Maggie Smith in a habit as the mother superior and good old Mary Wickes (remember the wisecracking nurse from Now, Voyager (1942) turns up as a wisecracking old nun)
Pure sentimental rubbish.......but if like me you enjoy watching a motley group of comedy nuns singing soul, well then get it out on dvd.....

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