Matchmaking, and Albert

Lonely but looking a lot better than he did. Boris has now been re housed in his enclosure with the slightly hysterical ducks. I have rung around to see if I can find another mate for him without success, and have designed several posters advertising for a female to be put up in the vets and animal feed shops.
I had better luck with the local animal centre who now has a small dog friendly cat available for re homing..The little black chap was taken in as a orphan by a family with three staffies, and subsequently has "no fear" of dogs.He did look rather sorry for himself when I went to give him the once over with George in tow.
George is rather a vocal Scottish Terrier, and bays loudly when he sees anything he is not used to, so I was surprised when the cat hardly raised an eyebrow when George started performing. Mind you the effect George did have on the 8 other cats in the shed was quite electric , as most of them short several feet into the air at the sound of a screaming dog.
The cat will be vet checked today and inoculated and flea treated before I collect him tomorrow. The animal centre will also neuter him free of charge in a few months time, which I thought was a bit of a bargain.
I have already christened him Albert.

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