
Not the best photo of our latest arrival, but hopefully Albert will be as laid back as he now looks.
William has been fairly hysterical since the little chap got installed on the kitchen table, but things have settled down a little since everyone has been fed and watered.
I have always had a cat in the house for the past 20 years, indeed Joan will be a very hard act to follow,, but it does feel nice to have a cat around again.I think that Chris is also secretly happy at having him, even though he is fairly vocal at all the negative connotations of having a new kitten (shit, poop and wee)
Put my "I want a female turkey"posters up in the vets and the feed shops this morning, and have organised catch ups with Nige next week in Manchester and a hook up with Mike, Johnney and Jane in Sheffield on the 23rd, which is great.
Tonight I am off to a comedy nite in Llandudno with Hazel (a late birthday gift for me!!)

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I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes