
Caught up with village gossip today (apparently a cannabis "factory" was found in an un occupied house in the centre of the village last week), and did all those jobs I couldn't fit in between holiday and night shifts.The buffs were happy to see me and in turn climbed their way into my lap for a cuddle and the chance of an extra titbit.
Boris looks slightly better today, and seems to be rather impatient, locked away in the safety of the shed. I went to Sainsburys today to get his extra sweetcorn and cheap bread (when in doubt FEED a sick turkey) and he has stuffed his cakehole all day. I am not getting excited, as reading about turkey ailments on the geeky sounding Turkey Forum web page, has scared the life out of me,- reading this made me marvel that any turkey pullet survives to adulthood.
I Cleaned the house and hen houses, collected feed from the wholesalers, walked the dogs and bought well earned pressies for neighbour Ewan for looking after Maddie and George when we were away. I heard from Sylvia that the memorial hall will now not be ready for out flower show winter "fayre" in December. The hall itself is almost finished ( all the windows apparently have to have their glass replaced with safety panes-hence the delay) I must say the building does look impressive
I have not slept properly for over three days.......and feel rather spaced this evening

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