Serial killer

Grace died this morning; with the two dog attack deaths, the black hooker with heart failure and the strangled duck, the death count on the field has reached five. I am beginning to feel that I am living in an Inspector Morse tv special. I know that I have done everything I can to stave off illness and infections (all the birds have been wormed,fed appropriately and cared for), but a little part of me feels that perhaps I am missing something.
I suspect Grace died of a nasty infection known as "Blackhead",, that can decimate turkey flocks. It is untreatable and steps can only be taken to prevent it rather than to treat it.
Boris is still eating and looks his usual "depressive" self, but unfortunately has the yellow poo symptom of the condition. I have treated his water heavily with antibiotics and have hand fed him the odd crust of bread, but I am worried he will deteriorate as quickly as poor Grace did.I will do everything to prevent it, it is a pity I am on nights again tonight
Chris unhelpfully stated this morning that "they re only birds" and in the truest sense of the word, they are, "just birds", but the turkeys,the buffs of course and the ever optimistic Mildred Pierce all have particular places in my affections.I guess it is silly being so "attached " to a mere bird but attached you become!
I am working tonight, and have an appointment with the senior ITU manager if we can fit it in. The staff know I am planning to leave Intensive care to work on the local NHS bank, so I feel it time to officially discuss it
.It is nice to know that I shall be missed when I leave (not for my intensive care technical prowess- which can be pretty ropey!!!!!!!!) but for the effect I have had on morale on the unit.
As one of the staff said to me last night...I may be shite at knowing what drug goes in what concentration, but I can and do, make people laugh........hey that will do for me.....

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