Holiday pics, Home....Turkey ITU

In typical British style I will now bore you all with some holiday pics. Above is the outside restaurant of the Santa Maria. We spent most of our time filling our faces here, and enjoying every morsel. The head waiter Paco, once in receipt of a large tip, would spend each subsequent visit piling on vast quantities of wine, desserts and other tasty "extras" (non of which we would actually pay for) He was a real sweetie
Chris looking rather smug outside the main Church on the Promenade. (It featured in the last scene of "Day Of The Triffids!"
Fire works and Children actually do mix The fiesta Santa Techia

The view of the Promenade and sea from our hotel window. The Spanish dog walking would start in earnest around 6 pm

We finally got home at 2 am and after 3 hours sleep I was up again getting back to the field. All the helpers had done a Stirling job, but as usual one poor bugger looked worse for wear, and this time it was Grace. Looking weak as a kitten and with bright green poo, obviously something serious was afoot, so, this morning, off I trundled along the well worn route to the vets.
Thank god the old trusty vet Mr Sergent was on duty, so Grace was given the first class once over and pummelled with antibiotics and other such medicines and treatments. Turkeys are notoriously weak when ill and succumb very quickly, so I packed her and a not-so-sparkling Boris into ITU in the shed for some TLC, I just hope she pulls through. I have had too many patients die just recently. She looks rather weak and is off her legs, she is not eating too which is worrying, but I did manage to spoon some sugar water into her an hour ago, but I am a little pessimistic .
The buff chicks on the other hand have done well when we were away and are bouncing babies with the typical patchy bald and dirty bums of their breed; the dogs too are looking fine after their break. All remain exhausted after kennels and Carole's, and are heaped in untidy bundles on and around me as I type this. Their reaction to our homecoming makes all the hard animal work worthwhile.
I am working tonight and Sunday night, which is a real bummer. Auntie Gladys called round though a couple of minutes ago, with a huge pile of scones, which was another nice homecoming gift.

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