Saturday & Sunday treats and the art of barter

Sorrel enjoyed Osborn House and I must admit the food was lovely.(The picture makes the place looks like a tart's dressing room, but honest the place is pretty classy looking) We had another treat today as we went out to lunch at Prestatyn's Bistro,and the food there was very comforting and and very different to the classy over-the-top grub in Llandudno! Sorrel cracks me up, cos after a couple of large reds she chatters like a character created by Alan Benett!-
anyhow as I am writing this Chris is asleep on the couch and Sorrel is busy watching The Queen on dvd!

I have been acquiring the skill of barter and swaps in developing the allotment! Already I have organised a steady supply of water from next door's outside tap in return for 6 eggs weekly and Ned is servicing a petrol strimmer I am to acquire from Andrew for more eggs. The local farmer (with a ruddy face the size of a large pillow) has delivered my vast water containers today and Ann and her friends from the Prestatyn co-operative allotment has drip fed me seedlings of a whole variety of veg! Having more contacts through the Trelawnyd Flower Show committee may be of use to! I hope so.

Slightly colder and rainy today! At least the garden looks a bit fresher!

My trendy mother-in-law and hen naming...

Sorrel is visiting and is now sporting a new trendy hairdo to go with her trendy apparel. She has a pathalogical hatred of everything feathered, so to get her walking around a chicken coop is a thing to observe (and indeed photograph)
Today we have been doing relaxing things like walking the dogs on the beach and coffee, later we are all off to Osborn House in llandudno for a meal with Janet and Ned and Andrew and Jayne.
Lying in bed this morning I have finally named the new arrivals! The four red ambers all look alike, so I have christened them the NOLAN SISTERS, as do the white Rockets who have been named THE ANDREWS SISTERS!
I know I have four whites and there were only three Andrews girls, but hey that's life.
The dark Grey hen is to be known as WHOOPIE (after Whoopie Goldberg in Ghost, as she looks pretty Ghost-like) and the little light Grey/blue hen I have called BABY JANE! as she has big dark circles under her eyes like Bette Davis! The last two remaining girls were easy to pick as the large white and brown Sussex is now MILDRED PIERCE (well we had to have one Joan to one Bette) and the big busty golden hen I have called RAQUEL WELSH! (for obvious reasons)!

38!!!! today and 28.5 lbs lost

Birthday boy is 38 today! and is easily pleased as he wants to go out to a greasy joe cafe for lunch! (are we the cosmopolitan couple that actually had lunch at the Russian Tearooms in New York?) We have in fact promised each other that we will go back to the big apple on Chris' 40th, but in the meantime Gails Cafe will suffice!

Chris has gone riding now and I have just got back from fat fighters! TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS IS NOW OVER TWO STONE!! I am chuffed I have done so well. Carole has done brill too which is nice as both of us now feel alot more confident and happier with the way we look!

LBC and Coast in the afternoons

I am a recent fan of two new (..... well new to me) radio stations! LBC is London's commercial news and speech station and I am finding presenter Anna Raeburn quite addictive! Her blurb from the station describes her as:- Tough and tender, takes no prisoners, no surrender, laughs a lot, talks fast and cares! but she sounds to me as an intelligent, pragmatic and intuitive problem solver and journalist.
I tend to have Coast Radio on in the car as it plays music from the 1980's and 1990's as well as the local news! Chris thinks I am listening to it as I am going through a mid life crisis compounded with weight loss (ie trying to be and act younger!) but I think I just enjoy the music when I am driving.
Another lovely day today! Chris has been to Sheffield with work, so I have suggested that we walk the dogs to the next village to have a few pints ( I've saved my points!!) at the Eagle and Child's beer garden in Gwaenysgor. His birthday is tomorrow!! 38!!!

Oh for American service !

It's been a busy day, its 10.30pm and I have only just sat down after a day outside ! I would have been in earlier except one of the red ambers now has a habit at roosting under the coop at night and has to be dragged out (with a walking stick) to be put safely back with the others. At least at dusk hens cannot see at all well, so catching the little bugger is pretty easy.

Went into Rhyl today to pick up The Finlay Memorial cup and I was delighted that the engraving was just right even though the service was shite. I don't know what it is with this country compared with say somewhere like New York, but care of customers in shops and cafes is truly awful! An illustration of this was all too evident in Rhyl today. I walked into the engraving shop and saw a tattooed gentleman behind the counter. I introduced myself and said I was there to collect the aforementioned cup. The man didn't answer and just looked vacantly towards the back room. We waited for a few seconds and another chap walked in . I realised that this was the owner and introduced myself again and what I wanted. The second chap said bluntly " You took your time, it's been waiting here for a good while"
I laughed, embarrassed at him and said pointedly" Well I am here now to collect it"
The owner shrugged his reply and ignored me as he shifted boxes and other items around the shop. I waited a while longer and said sharply "can you tell me how much I owe " and only then in a reaction to my aggression did he snap into some sort of action and became a little more proactive. The whole experience was awful and made me pine for that beautiful service we received by the tiny Japanese lady clerk in Takashimaya on 5th avenue! is it too much to ask?

Life on the allotment continues at a pace. French beans, more broad beans and lots of verbascum (like foxgloves) have been planted. The warm weather has meant that a good hour a day has to be put aside for lugging buckets of water around , but it helps with weight watchers! Joan came over to sit with me for while, then walked over to the coop to give the girls the once over. Now the hens spend much of their time hidden inside which I guess is a product from being reared in large sheds, but when they got a glimpse of Joan sitting happily in the sun, they burst out of the hen house like angry football fans. I found it fascinating as the crowd of hens "shadowed" Joan's movements with a bit of : "come over here if you think you're hard enough!" type of attitude.
all very funny! Joan sat there rather surprised by their noise and sudden activity but refused to be ruffled! by the way the pic is the male pheasant who spends much of his time lurking around giving the girls a bit of the eye!

Sunny Sunday Mornings

This morning is the perfect Sunday morning! It is bright, sunny and warm and I have been pottering around the allotment since 7.30am. Now I'm sat next to the open lounge window, with cup of coffee, computer and Broadcasting House on radio 4. Paddy O'Connell makes for an entertaining prelude to The Archers, and I found it interesting that the blog site states that he was listed among the top 40 gay men on TV by Attitude magazine, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.!

For those few that are interested, the allotment is coming along nicely. I have put my main crop potatoes in this morning as well as broccoli and blackcurrant mint and oregano. My sweetcorn seeds are doing nicely ( I have visions of a field like the one Cary Grant ran through in North by Northwest (1959).

The "girls" are settling in nicely , although they seem to be going through a hokey kokey type of behaviour, as they are in and out and out and in, constantly in motion between run and hen house! The red ambers are the most bashful and hide for he majority of the time in the nest boxes, where as the beautiful whites strut around rather excited at their new found freedom. Robina, being the oldest is now enjoying her elevated status and marches around like some German storm trooper pecking the youngsters with random cruelty! It is all rather fascinating.

Working tonight then off for a week, which is great as Sorell is up on Friday and I can prepare the house, and garden and organise things for Chris' birthday on Thursday. Chris is off to ride Pippa this morning- smoking again and overdosing with chemical patches and gum! which is doing nothing for his anxiety levels. Hey ho

Surrounded by "girls" and the clock takes pride of place.

Didn't get back from Sheffield yesterday in time to beat closing time at Roger's Jones , to pick up the long case clock so had to fit a jaunt to Colwyn Bay, this afternoon with Ann acting as dogsbody and helper!
This morning, after a disgustingly early start, I finished the preparations for the new hens to arrive,stained the hen house roof, put in the sweet peas under their allotment canes, walked the dogs up the Gop then drove to the back and beyond in Frodsham in Cheshire to pick the new hens. The poultry farm was a tiny, neat affair run by a charming young couple just starting off in the business and after a good three quarters of an hour "oooing and arrhhing" over a whole host of birds I picked 4 red rockets, 4 snowy whites and 4 mixed rarer breeds including a lovely "blue comet" with a gentle grey colouration. The "girls" are all almost at point of lay (ie they will start laying eggs in 2-3 weeks), and are very young birds to be let out in an outdoor run straight away.The breeder told me that they need 24 hours shut in the darkness of their new hut so that they settle in and get used to each other and therefore are less likely to scrap when they are out! (The pic is of two of the more surprised snowy girls!)

The early 19th Century Long case clock looks fab! I am so pleased with it as it a simple country piece that has not been tampered with for nearly 200 years! I think Ann has got just as much pleasure out of the auction and its purchase as I have .

She and Tim came up again tonight to take a look at the clock in situ, and it does look quite grand when seen from outside ,

I was looking very glamorous at the time they arrived, as I was busily sponging Meg's bum free of clingons in the kitchen sink!

oh the charm of it all!
ps. Joan's senile dementia seems alot worse of late, just hope she doesn't start sharpening her claws on the new clock!
Missed Finlay today! strange how it hits you!

A good 24 hours

Got to Sheffield yesterday afternoon and had a couple of hours free before meeting Nigel, so spent a wonderful time at the new Weston Park Museum which has recently undergone a 19 million pounds refit. The museum had been pulled into the 21st Century by its brastaps and looked stunning! I was most impressed.

Met Nige in All bar one for a coffee and glass of wine and we couldn't be bothered going to the Showroom cinema as we had too much to chat about. Had a excellent Turkish meal down London road then back to Nige's for more chat- a good night!

This morning drove to Dronfield to finally catch up with Kathryn in her new and slightly Kitsch flat. I liked it immensely as it is totally a reflection of her personality and is very cosy. The kitchen is my favourite room, bright sunny and ever-so-slightly 1950's and it was good to catch up over cups of tea at the kitchen table. I miss Kathryn and her dry-as-a-nun's-chuff sense of humour and felt a little guilty I hadn't made the effort sooner.