This morning is the perfect Sunday morning! It is bright, sunny and warm and I have been pottering around the allotment since 7.30am. Now I'm sat next to the open lounge window, with cup of coffee, computer and Broadcasting House on radio 4. Paddy O'Connell makes for an entertaining prelude to The Archers, and I found it interesting that the blog site states that he was listed among the top 40 gay men on TV by Attitude magazine, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.!
For those few that are interested, the allotment is coming along nicely. I have put my main crop potatoes in this morning as well as broccoli and blackcurrant mint and oregano. My sweetcorn seeds are doing nicely ( I have visions of a field like the one Cary Grant ran through in North by Northwest (1959).
The "girls" are settling in nicely , although they seem to be going through a hokey kokey type of behaviour, as they are in and out and out and in, constantly in motion between run and hen house! The red ambers are the most bashful and hide for he majority of the time in the nest boxes, where as the beautiful whites strut around rather excited at their new found freedom. Robina, being the oldest is now enjoying her elevated status and marches around like some German storm trooper pecking the youngsters with random cruelty! It is all rather fascinating.
Working tonight then off for a week, which is great as Sorell is up on Friday and I can prepare the house, and garden and organise things for Chris' birthday on Thursday. Chris is off to ride Pippa this morning- smoking again and overdosing with chemical patches and gum! which is doing nothing for his anxiety levels. Hey ho
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