A good 24 hours

Got to Sheffield yesterday afternoon and had a couple of hours free before meeting Nigel, so spent a wonderful time at the new Weston Park Museum which has recently undergone a 19 million pounds refit. The museum had been pulled into the 21st Century by its brastaps and looked stunning! I was most impressed.

Met Nige in All bar one for a coffee and glass of wine and we couldn't be bothered going to the Showroom cinema as we had too much to chat about. Had a excellent Turkish meal down London road then back to Nige's for more chat- a good night!

This morning drove to Dronfield to finally catch up with Kathryn in her new and slightly Kitsch flat. I liked it immensely as it is totally a reflection of her personality and is very cosy. The kitchen is my favourite room, bright sunny and ever-so-slightly 1950's and it was good to catch up over cups of tea at the kitchen table. I miss Kathryn and her dry-as-a-nun's-chuff sense of humour and felt a little guilty I hadn't made the effort sooner.

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