LBC and Coast in the afternoons

I am a recent fan of two new (..... well new to me) radio stations! LBC is London's commercial news and speech station and I am finding presenter Anna Raeburn quite addictive! Her blurb from the station describes her as:- Tough and tender, takes no prisoners, no surrender, laughs a lot, talks fast and cares! but she sounds to me as an intelligent, pragmatic and intuitive problem solver and journalist.
I tend to have Coast Radio on in the car as it plays music from the 1980's and 1990's as well as the local news! Chris thinks I am listening to it as I am going through a mid life crisis compounded with weight loss (ie trying to be and act younger!) but I think I just enjoy the music when I am driving.
Another lovely day today! Chris has been to Sheffield with work, so I have suggested that we walk the dogs to the next village to have a few pints ( I've saved my points!!) at the Eagle and Child's beer garden in Gwaenysgor. His birthday is tomorrow!! 38!!!

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