A Palm House Concert

It was a bit of a rush but I got to Liverpool, met my friend Colin and got to the Palm House in Sefton Park for 7.27pm …minutes before the concert started.
We had bought tickets to a rather attractive string quartet playing a selection of film scores by candlelight amid the wonderful backdrop of the Victorian hot house and it was all rather civilised and rather sweet

Bravely the quartet picked some BIG numbers by John Williams , who is known more for his full orchestra set pieces with lots of horn ( so to speak) but they tried their best with the likes of Jurassic Park and Star Wars before giving a lovely rendition from Schindler’s List .

Their pieces by the composer Danny Elfman were much more lyrical and interesting and seemed more suited to the backdrop of palm trees, a thousand candles ( well battery operated ones) and dozens of banana fronds smelling a little like pee


The Walking Dead Episode 6


I’ve been loyal to The Walking Dead for over ten years now, and today , I must admit, I am so glad I have been . 
Under various showrunners the series , has, at times, been variable to say the least , but under the assured piloting of Angela Kang , the last season has returned to its horror roots and has provided several stand alone set pieces full of suspense and nail biting moments.
Episode 6 was such a set piece where the deaf character Connie ( the deaf actress Lauren Ridloff) found herself trapped in a gothic mansion with Virgil and a group cannibalistic humans 
It was a truly terrifying hour that left me somewhat exhausted by the time they were saved by an all female group from Alexandria 
The series, by the look of things is going out with a bang 

The power was out in the village just after 6 am so I've had to feel my way to work....


The weather has turned again.
It’s colder and damp and everything looks a wet brown/green
The ponies are back though, 
Cheerfully clearing the field with heavy breaths.

I’m meeting a friend for brunch
More healthy today. I’ve got to lose another 8 lbs before my nephew’s wedding 

A few hours later and everything has changed. Sunny spells and warmth in the sun
And a Prom walk……

Enlarge this photo and trelawnyd’s Gop hill is the second hill on the left in the far distance 

Fat Bastard Breakfast

 I woke early and took the dogs out for a long walk.
Then Mary and I went out for breakfast. 
I wanted to read a paper in peace, so unfortunately the over excitable Dorothy had to stay home.
I bought the paper ( the first time in three years!) and we sat outside at y shed ( The Shed) where I thought fuck it and ordered a full English, WITH fried bread AND toast washed down by two lovely illy Americanos.
And I read the paper like a tourist.
It felt as though I was abroad, sat at the Santa Maria in Sitges 
Quite lovely

As we walked back I listened to a radio 4 podcast of Nurenberg Remembered on my phone. A detailed and incredibly moving documentary by William Shawcross who is the son of the leading Nurenberg prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross , this programme memorialised the 75 year old anniversary of the trails.

In it, Shawcross reviews the ten month military tribunal through the eyes of the children of the protagonists and despite the vastness of the subject matter I was incredibly moved by the stories that were unearthed.
Radio 4 gets slated occasionally for its news coverage and the like, but in this case, a quality documentary that provokes thought and emotion, the radio station excels like no other.

Sir Hartley Shawcross

This afternoon my twin sister came up to sort the garden out
As she did the heavy work, I titivated the patio and planted out baby cyclamen  on the kitchen wall
The result looks pleasing

Tonight after bath time 

Hound Of The Baskervilles

The comedy production of Hound Of The Baskervilles proved to be gently amusing rather than belly laugh   Funny. But it passed an hour and a half well enough. 
With Just three actors playing every character the pace of the piece was at the gallop so to speak and although not anything more than occasionally silly , it was diverting enough and reminded me of the set pieces performed by Laurel & Hardy
The audience went a bit hysterical about it..in a similar way the London audience did when I saw Come from away in July …..

Jake Feretti and Serena Maneghi 

Niall Ransom as Dr Watson

Fuel to Relax


I was at work yesterday with the nagging thought I’d only got two black dashes on my petrol gauge .
The frigging world had gone nuts here and several local petrol stations had already closed by mid afternoon with others getting over run by panic buyers, so with me already over my hours I’ve taken today off, just in case I couldn’t find the petrol to commute back to work early this morning.
In the end the village garage, who had prudently rationed petrol to 20£ a car was still open and fairly quiet so I’ve got enough to last me.
I’m glad I didn’t go into work today anyway.

I want to be quiet. I don’t feel very therapeutic. 

I’ve washed the cottage windows until they sparkled ( operation dog snot removal) and watched as some classic cars on their Pilgrim run got gridlocked down the lane for a while.
Mrs Trellis wanted to talk about the Church meeting but I didn’t feel up to her chatter levels so hid under the honeysuckle until she passed 

I’ve  messaged “chatted” on line with my Wales/ Korean group and have drank coffee sweetened with algave nectar 
Sat in the reading chair in the kitchen as the clock ticks 

I will take the girls down to the beach later and I’ve booked myself a ticket at Theatre Clwyd tonight. 
A comedy version of  Hound of the Baskervilles 

A Warning

 This lino cut print was left with the neighbours today .
I don’t remember buying it 
The invoice was dated a couple of weeks ago. 
At 23.43 hours after a night out and boozy dinner with a friend, did the order get registered 
Drunk internet buying……
Thank goodness I fucking like it



Another day another tv programme review.
That’s how simple my life is today.
After all the detailed and oh so useful psychological reflection session at work, coming home on Wednesday  to an empty house is still hard after a challenging shift.
What we all need at these times is someone else to run a bath for you and to kiss the top of your head as you soak away the days stress in bubbles you’d never sort out for yourself 
Hey ho..I’m not complaining …I’m just saying
Second best is a large gin and some nice tv.
The day before yesterday it was the great Royal documentary
Last night Taskmaster was back like an old friend returning home.

Silly, funny, entertaining , and clever, this quiz show has been aired since 2015
I love Alex Horne and adore Welsh born Greg Davies so the addition of my favourite Victoria Coren Mitchell is a real bonus in this series 12..and so is the rather sexy Gus Khan with his smile and lovely beard 

Have a look at it if u can it’s on channel 4 Thursday nights 9 pm
I’m back at work all day today and tomorrow ….thank you to Trendy Carol again for taking the girls 
I couldn’t cope without her and her hubby’s help.

I will leave you with a pic of a slumbering Dorothy with Sunflowers last night
Welcome to my world x

The Duke

 I got home last night and took a rain check at the what’s app video meet I had planned with a friend.
I was all out of talk
Instead I poured myself a very large gin and sat down to watch the Prince Philip-The Royal Family Remembers 
The documentary was filled with personal memories spoken to camera by all of Philip’s Children, their spouses and his adult grandchildren. The only absentees were Kate and Meghan and of course the Queen and the only addition was one of Prince Philip’s personal secretaries who quite movingly gave the audience a stiff upper lip viewing of her boss’ private offices.

I liked the documentary 
It humanised the Duke enormously and it reeked of respect and affection for a man who didn’t suffer fools   but who had a sharp brain and a talent for leadership.
The Royals collectively came out very well too.
I was especially impressed by Anne ( wearing double denim without a care) and her children Peter and Zara who all spoke eloquently and movingly about their memories. 
The best anecdote surly came from Prince William who shared the story of when his grandfather stopped a  young man hiking on one of his own Duke of Edinburgh award challenges and asked him how he was getting on. The young hiker, irritated  with the interruption shot out with a “ Fuck off Grandad” comment which apparently amused the Duke no end.

I slept long and heavy last night and got up late this morning
Outside the back door my sister had left a bucket of sunflowers she had grown on her allotment
And I cut and arranged them in a glass vase.
They have lifted the living room with their sunny faces

Goats on the Orme

The patient I was fond of died peacefully today with his family round him.

I'm sitting quietly having a late lunch, alone

It's sunny and I can see the goats on the Orme

Four of them standing very still against a deep blue sky



 The Great British Bake Off contestants were introduced today and it’s a more ethnically diverse bunch than we’ve  ever seen before…. 2 Greeks, a geek, an Asian, a hairy Italian, a humourless German, one posh old lady who cries ,a  bright Liverpudlian, a Greta Thumburg lookalike, a gay Jamaican…….etc …..they are all here…. All we needed was a Jewish New York lesbian in a wheelchair and every box would have been ticked.
It feels that they’ve tried a tad too hard…..

The programme still works after eleven years because it’s about nice people doing nicely talented things in a nice way 

Holiday End

 The lecture was less about understanding violence and more about understanding and diagnosing mental illness which I thought it would be. 
It was interesting nevertheless.
I’m back in work tomorrow and I’m a little ambivalent about it. 
I’ve so enjoyed my holiday and know the patient I am close to is still with us. In some ways I was hoping he had passed away before I got back on the floor.
It will be fine, but I still has that feeling, I did have as a child the day I started secondary school after the summer holidays.

This morning, as I was messaging my friend in Korea I was cooking udon noodles with chicken for my lunch tomorrow. To give the meal a Korean twist, I use gochujang paste with soy, garlic and honey. 
I bought the gochijang in Waitrose and a jar lasts ages

I’ve only just realised that Mr Poznań caught me licking my gravy covered fingers this morning after I had put Mary’s dinner bowl onto the front lawn. 
He had distracted me with talk about the buddliea  
This isn’t such a big deal except I’m sure he thought that the bowl was full to the brim of dog food.
I must have to admit now , that it wasn’t even though It looked as though it was….a few times a week I treat Mary to some tinned stewing steak. In it I disguise a big dollop of cod liver oil which seems to be helping her coat condition. 
But Mr Poznań wasnt privy to this information and now must think, I’m an animal 

He was right about the buddliea though. My three bush/trees have lost their blooms and now look dull and brown and rather sad. The clouds of butterflies that enveloped them only a week ago have all but gone 
“Prepare yourself for autumn” Mr Poznań lamented 

Summer holidays have finished I thought 

The Walking Dead 11x05

I’ve caught up with The Walking Dead on Disney+ 
( Is it me but am I the only one who thinks it a bit odd that a violent zombie apocalypse tv show is airing on Disney?)
The last season has been somewhat variable but this episode 5 was a cracker! 
I love this little gentle scene between Rosita (Christian Serratos) and Judith (The delightfully talented Cailey Fleming )
Quite lovely

Understanding Violence


Zoom lectures have become some of the major benefit side effects, of the pandemic
I have enrolled in several film study lectures varying from such topics as new film noir, wind mise en scéne and horror and have dipped my toes into Opera appreciation and Welsh Folklore.
Tomorrow at noon there is a free zoom lecture run by the Chester Storyhouse in conjunction with Chester University. It’s topic should be interesting as it is a discussion by a forensic psychologist on the subject of violence .

I’ve left the link if anyone wants to give the free lecture a try.
When I was a psychiatric nurse I was never really exposed to many violent encounters. 
Sure there would be the odd moment when a sectioned patient may have needed restraining, or medication was needed to be given. But the training was good and staffing was adequate that these sort of situations were rare.
As a general nurse however, I have been involved in many more graphic and upsetting physical altercations , not everyone with patients and I must say, being of a bigger build has proved useful at these times.
I have punched only one person in my life. And that punch was meant to hurt and hurt badly, as the recipient had pulled a knife out in a drunken rage.. 
And I have also slapped someone who said something so hurtful I reacted like a pained child and lashed out.
The punch I don’t regret
The slap I did.
That is a synopsis of my brief journey into instigating violence.

I will listen to the lecture by Professor Taj Nathan with interest.
He’s somewhat easy of the eye too 

I wonder if I will see any of you there?  

The Intern

The Intern is a sweet unassuming film
I knew it would be. 
Essentially it’s an old fashioned romcom with the friendship between 70 year old return to work Ben ( Robert DeNero) and his thirty something Internet sales company wunderkind boss Jules ( Anne Hathaway)
as the rom in the con 
The narrative meanders gently from Ben’s quiet and slightly desperate  existence without the stimulation of work to his and Jules’ acceptance that success is a balance between home and work and love life ( but only if you are successful at all three which was a tad disappointing, but it was refreshing enough to have a movie that celebrates the talents and experiences of the older population even though DeNero and Rene Russo ( who pops up briefly as a sexy something 60 year old company masseuse )scrub up nicely.

Hathaway is on her best charming form and is quite lovely in the lead role with DeNero gallantly underplaying his role nicely in support.

Light, frothy and at times kind of  moving…it was a good choice of film, on a quiet Sunday afternoon

A Quiet Rainy Sunday


Sunday morning.
Coffee and eggs.
The Archers.
I’ve cut flowers from the garden and set them up in dark corners of the cottage to lift the day

A walk around the village 
The main road is quieter on Sundays  so Dorothy was able to negotiate our way without the usual hysterics.
Few people are about 
I waved at Nick and velvet voiced Linda who were having breakfast at their kitchen table and to gwawr out in her car. But I saw no one else.
Most of the neat gardens are still retaining their colour.
Stan’s deep maroon dahlias look marvellous, and the cheerful rubekkia at Graham’s are still a stand out on High Street…but I did notice that the garden around the hall look a little untidy and overgrown . 
I will see if I can get a few volunteers together to help me tidy it up 

The rain started as soon as we got home. 
That fine rain that soaks you immediately .
I’ve written emails in support of the Pilgrim Church and posted more on the village websites about it, but my back is aching so I can’t sit for long.

Yesterday I ordered a dvd which will, surprisingly will be delivered today ( I thought there was a shortage of delivery drivers) Its a gentle comedy drama called The Intern with Anne Hathaway and Robert DeNero

An Ideal Film for a quiet rainy Sunday





I met my friend Cheryl for Brunch and a walk this morning. Both off our diets for one day 
We had the full breakfast at Bryn Williams with buckets of good conversation and strong coffee.

I’m having a quiet day tomorrow so it was a lovely way of bookending my holiday.

I’ve had a nice productive holiday.
Cheryl was impressed
I must have bored her with most of my list but she didn’t let on ..

A trip to London
A trip to Liverpool
1 art gallery visit
2 theatre visits
3 exhibition visits
1 stand up comedy night
1 evening with ( online)
2 evening meals out
2 cinema trips
I day sanding and decorating a bookcase
Afternoons at Aberfalls, Colwyn Bay, Chester and Llandudno
Brunch at Porth Eirias
An afternoon of very nice sex! Hey ho…
( that one pricked-up her ears)

I got home this afternoon to a jar of jam left anonymously which was nice 

I’m getting that strange feeling I used to get days before I went back to school at the end of summer holidays..but it’s ok…

A National Treasure


Miriam was interviewed by the delightful and insanely attractive Simon Callow and to be honest she started off in a rather subdued and for her persona of chat tv shocker , incredibly subdued way
But when the audience fired questions at her, she blossomed into a warm, self reflective, certainly strident   and intelligent character who , loved celebrated and adored her epithet of national treasure 
A lovely evening 
Her autobiography This Much Is True was released yesterday 

Aber Falls and Miriam


This afternoon the girls and I drove to the mouthful which is the village Abergwyngregyn and walked up to Aber Falls. 

The girls were buggered when we got back to the car

Tonight, instead of the cinema , I’ve treated myself to cheese and crackers and I’m going to live stream “An Evening With Miriam Margolyes “ from the Alexandra Palace 

I do hope she’s foul mouthed