

I met my friend Cheryl for Brunch and a walk this morning. Both off our diets for one day 
We had the full breakfast at Bryn Williams with buckets of good conversation and strong coffee.

I’m having a quiet day tomorrow so it was a lovely way of bookending my holiday.

I’ve had a nice productive holiday.
Cheryl was impressed
I must have bored her with most of my list but she didn’t let on ..

A trip to London
A trip to Liverpool
1 art gallery visit
2 theatre visits
3 exhibition visits
1 stand up comedy night
1 evening with ( online)
2 evening meals out
2 cinema trips
I day sanding and decorating a bookcase
Afternoons at Aberfalls, Colwyn Bay, Chester and Llandudno
Brunch at Porth Eirias
An afternoon of very nice sex! Hey ho…
( that one pricked-up her ears)

I got home this afternoon to a jar of jam left anonymously which was nice 

I’m getting that strange feeling I used to get days before I went back to school at the end of summer holidays..but it’s ok…


  1. Anonymous gifts, how intriguing. I used to hate that "end of holidays, back to school/work" feeling. At least it soon passes, an hour back and you're looking forward to the next break! You've certainly made the most of this holiday and now have some lovely memories. xx

  2. What are those blackened things on the middle of your brunch plate? Are those mushrooms and spam?
    Glad you had such a nice break!

    1. Mushrooms and glorious black pudding

  3. I'd give your holiday an A+

  4. Barbara Anne3:34 pm

    I am seriously impressed with all of the interesting things you did, saw, and participated in, all packed into your holidays. Excellent planning, too.
    Yes, I also know that kind of deep dread of returning to school or work but it will be tolerable and helpful in filling the coffers to fund the next holiday, bathroom remodel, and other things to make life better.
    The magic kitchen wall giveth - homemade jam! What flavor is it?



  5. Nice sex? I’m sure the amount but of effort he put in deserved better than nice - or I hope it did.

  6. Excellent holiday.

    Nothing like a little bit of good sex to put a smile on the face!

    1. Nice smily photo in your avatar x lol

  7. Anonymous4:11 pm

    John, glad you've had such a wonderful and much needed time away. Hmmmmm - & icing on the cake? Oh, by the way, your yesterday's item: I've always enjoyed Miriam via my "Brit Box" TV and had the opportunity to read several items from her book...looking forward to reading the entire book soon. Take care. Hugs.

  8. That breakfast looks wonderful...Great to get to the stage in your diet when you can have a day off and not worry about it!

    1. Yes…Cheryl and I enjoy our food, sharing something nice was lovely

  9. You certainly packed a lot into your holiday. It all sounds wonderful and so deserved. I love the look of the breakfast too.

  10. You have certainly filled your holiday well John - ten out of ten for that.

  11. the sunday blues. i remember them well. a proper british breakfast but no beans? or is that not a thing in wales?

    1. I think Bryn williams at Porth Eirias wouldn’t approve

  12. A good time was had by all

  13. I love your list.

  14. Anonymous4:59 pm

    My first thought was that the pan or grill that cooked that breakfast needs a good cleaning!
    No wonder someone asked what are those "blackened things"

  15. You did have a good holiday! You also managed to squeeze in a lot of wonderful activities. When you go back to work you can think back on your wonderful holiday!

  16. I was a school nurse for 30 years and got that feeling every September.

  17. Do you not recognise the handwriting on the jam jar label-perhaps it could be from Gentleman Farmer Ralphs wife-and I just wondered John whether you have a video to share of your fun week if you don't mind me being so bold x

    1. I’m not sure, it’s a welsh notelet headed note

  18. What a wonderful list you have compiled! No wonder you are feeling so renewed!

  19. Now that's the way to fill a vacation!

  20. You saved the afternoon of very nice sex for last. Must have been the grand finale.

    1. John-I don't like to pry But did he visit your cottage and will he come again?x

    2. No
      And we will meet again but not in Poland

  21. Who‘s in that sexy, slender body in the blue polo shirt?!?

  22. Sounds like a wonderful holiday! Glad you are renewed. :) You are looking fabulous. x

  23. John, that section of you in the photo sure looks slim and trim!

  24. I read (and love) the note heading in Welsh but cannot read the type of jam. Can you?

  25. Sounds good to me. You are fully renewed and ready for whatever life brings. May you have many more new and wonderful ventures.

  26. Going back to school was even worse as a teacher than as a pupil.

  27. Your holiday has been just right for recharging and feeling good again! So glad you were able to enjoy all your plans.

  28. it's like an itch-could it be Quince?x

  29. Loved your holiday list. Ooo err holiday sex to boot.
    A wall giving jam. You are one lucky man. Looking very trim too.

    Jo in Auckland


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