Postcard Challenge More Entries


Well, I think we need a bit of balance given that my plastic vulva caused so much debate and controversy yesterday.
Now clinically ( and I stress clinically) I have probably seen, felt and manipulated more penises during a long and illustrious career than  a moderately successful tart has and so there is no mystery and challenge in the catheterisation technique of the odd todger, but here is one " realistic" model which is as titivating as a flat Yorkshire pudding!

Latest entries in the postcard challenge will be posted later
Hey ho

A Vagina On The Chopping Board

I have a favourite coffee shop that I go to.
It's comfortably shopworn and trendy in that way the ones in New York were in the 1990s
It reminds me of happier days.
The barista asked me if I was ok. I had been crying almost solid for twenty minutes before I arrived but that was at the last quarter of Stan And Ollie and not for any emotional jacuzzi I was going through.
I laughed after she asked me and just said " very Sad film" 
" I've seen the trailers for the new Dumbo" she said "I was sobbing buckets at those"
We smiled conspiratorially at each other.

This weekend has been somewhat better than last. I've had company and goals to complete that's why.
Friday I made a friend a meal and today its another cinema trip, this time with Gorgeous Dave. 
We are off to see a morning showing of the horror thriller Glass ( his choice) - it's the only time he can free from his kids... that that's cool. He's a big badminton player too, so when I'm better we'll have a game, him no doubt in some Lycra number with perfect legs.
Me in my trackie bottoms with dirty paw prints on.

The log lady had dropped a pile of seasoned wood a couple of days ago and this morning called around for her money as I was eating breakfast. She waited in the kitchen as I scrabbled around for the notes but was kept amused by Winnie as per.
It was only after she had gone when I realised that I had left my vagina out overnight on the chopping board.
I think I may need to explain myself here.........

Nowadays male nurses are trained to catheterize women , but in my day this was not just so, and so when I went to work in the private sector with effectively no trained nurse back up. I told myself that I needed to expand my role somewhat.
The first step towards this was to get my hands on an anatomically precise vagina!
This I have done and off I went yesterday, searching the mysteries of the female " inner world" thanks to a rubber vag propped up on a baking potato!
The log lady never said a word

Stan And Ollie

A homage should, in my mind, be carried out with some affection and this cinematic homage to the wonderful  talents that were Laurel & Hardy has affection in bloody bucketfuls.
It's a truly sweet story which has made an absolutely lovely film.
Set in the 1950s when the duos' careers were on the wane, we follow the ever chirpy Oliver Hardy ( John C Reilly) and his more cynical and slightly more savvy sidekick Stan Laurel ( Steve Coogan) on their come down tour of Northern Britain's second rate theatres.
Plagued with ill Heath and the memory of a friendship testing contract problem, the men's relationship is challenged further by career worries and complicated by the arrival of their wives from the US.
Reilly and Coogan not only play the comics they become the comics and their reenactment of the most well loved of Laurel & Hardy set pieces have to be seen to be believed. They are just THAT good a modern day audience lapped them up with the gusto of their 1930 counterparts.
Having said all this, it is the chemistry between Reilly and Coogan that makes the film work so well. They capture a genuine and often poignant affection that was held between the two men and their scenes together, especially those after Hardy is taken ill have a resonance and power all of their own.
I never stopped crying for the entirety of the last third of the film.
Wisely, halfway through the story brings the comics' wives into play and we meet the wise cracking Lucille Hardy ( Shirley Henderson ) and straight talking Russian Ida Laurel ( Nina Arianda ) both fiercely protective of their husbands. Their spiky scenes together provide a spark that complements the platonic and brotherly love affair which is essentially the story of their husband's relationship together and which is one that is portrayed with so much respect and love.

A double act of their own Henderson and Arianda)

Keep em Coming

I went to see Stan and Ollie this afternoon and cried all through the last third of it.
It was a delight!
I'll review it tomorrow.
First, I must share with you the latest postcard entries which were all delivered today.
I've enjoyed reading them as much as looking at them
Enjoy xx and thanks xxx
Ps carol ( who send the album) and Brian please email me

The Next entries

The British ( and Dutch!) postcards are coming in!
The postman has just given me one of those wry and thin " what the fuck?" kind of Smiles

Just to remind you, details of the competition can be viewed here

Please send All postcards to me at

Bwthyn y llan,
Cwm Road,
LL18 6 EF
North Wales,