There are not enough hours in my day
The older I get the more I think this.
Night shifts exaggerate this somewhat as they encroach on more than the night at work, but Tuesdays I’m in college all day and Thursdays I’m seeing my own clients for most of the day in the next County.
I also have a presentation to write and which links humanistic therapy with Gestalt thinking and another essay to plan for centred around diversity.
My academic marks are improving and my last three pieces of work were B+ A- and A- which I’m pleased about
Today I’ve walked the Welsh, and pottered around chasing up medications, picking up a glucose monitor, cat wormers and the like.
Whoosh the morning has gone
When it’s just you at home, there’s just you to sort these things out
That’s a brief moan, more an observation.
As you can see there’s not much to discuss or say today
I saw Terry walking his dog and he told me I’d lost weight, which pleased me
I’ve lost a stone and a half
My cord pants almost fell down in a sainsburys the other day as a result
Ps. I’ve just reweighed myself . I’ve lost 2 stone