Filthy Bitch

 Family meal for my brother in law’s 70th. Great fun.
Nice to see everyone. We were all still full of Bridget Jones and would have drunk some Filthy Bitch 
Cocktails if they made them.


  1. Even without the filthy bitch cocktails, I'm sure you all had a great time. xx

  2. Barbara Anne11:19 pm

    Great family picture and I have to say I now consider all of you as friends! Happy 70th to your BIL, too!


  3. Anonymous11:23 pm

    I love the fact that your brother’s widow I still always there with you all


  4. Anonymous11:40 pm

    It’s always a happy place for me to see you are loved and you love!!!!!

  5. When I saw the title of this blogpost, I immediately thought it was going to be about Mrs Trellis. What a relief that it was referring to a family meal out. I see you were going wild with your small cup of coffee.

  6. I had to look up what a Filthy Bitch Cocktail is -- Root Beer, Canadian whisky, and Sprite. Sheesh. Everyone knows Canadian rye whisky should only ever be mixed with Coke. That's how WE do it!

    1. Really??? That sounds awful!

      Happy birthday to your BIL. I love your family.

    2. Anonymous5:22 am

      Rye and ginger ale! (Rye & Dry)

    3. Oh yeah, for the FANCY folks!

  7. Is that in a Pub'? I do love Pub' meals.

  8. The Filthy Bitch sounds a bit ... filthy.

  9. Yorkshire Liz9:16 am

    And did you all stop talking long enough to eat that lovely meal? Or even notice what you were eating? A perfect family night out. I love it! But such a rarity in the world these days. You all deserved a wonderful evening!

  10. Now that sounds like a perfect evening out. We are switching it round a bit, with a fish and chip tea then watching Bridget Jones with a glass of wine.

  11. Anonymous12:55 pm

    I think I would prefer a Frosty Sailor instead of a Filthy Bitch, but I no longer drink and the smell of rye whisky would remind me of my ex, yuk. You all look so happy, so nice to have family around you. We are in the midst of a huge snowfall. I was trapped inside for two days last week and it looks like I will be trapped inside for at least today and tomorrow again. Last winter we had almost no snow, but this year I had to get my boots out of the closet for the first time since I bought them about three years ago. My dog won’t go out. I will have to shovel a path in the yard before she will go. Funny story, when I put my foot in boot, it had about a cup of kibble in it. I wondered where the mice were hiding Peggy’s food. I have traps everywhere but still get mice every now and then. Gigi

  12. While you are showing the bartender how to mix a Fithy Bitch, 2 oz Canadian whisky, 1 oz root beer, 1 oz Sprite(R) soda. Mix drink ingredients together, shake for 5 seconds, serve over ice in a cocktail glass; show them how to make a dry Hendrix Martini. I will never forget the look on the waiters face when he came back the table and asked, "how do you make that?"

  13. Looks like a fun time!

  14. Anonymous3:04 pm

    Lovely family. You are blessed !

  15. Jackie1:35 am

    You are very fortunate to have such a loving family John.


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