This short film is a little gem and it’s Spanish which makes it so much more appealing 

No News

There are not enough hours in my day
The older I get the more I think this.
Night shifts exaggerate this somewhat as they encroach on more than the night at work, but Tuesdays I’m in college all day and Thursdays I’m seeing my own clients for most of the day in the next County.
I also have a presentation to write and which links humanistic therapy with Gestalt thinking and another essay to plan for centred around diversity.
My academic marks are improving and my last three pieces of work were B+ A- and A- which I’m pleased about
Today I’ve walked the Welsh, and pottered around chasing up medications, picking up a glucose monitor, cat wormers and the like. 
Whoosh the morning has gone
When it’s just you at home, there’s just you to sort these things out
That’s a brief moan, more an observation.
As you can see there’s not much to discuss or say today
I saw Terry walking his dog and he told me I’d lost weight, which pleased me
I’ve lost a stone and a half
My cord pants almost fell down in a sainsburys the other day as a result
Ps. I’ve just reweighed myself . I’ve lost 2 stone

This Is Hospice Care

It’s been a tough day. I have had two complex counselling patients and needed my supervisors calming and sensible voice on the other end of the phone before leaving for home
An unapologetically lazy post today, I’m not in the mood for writing 
This advert for hospice support is impressive as it is sad, sad that it’s not funded by the government 

Day Off

 Today is my only proper day off, so I met my friend Ruth for lunch and an exhibition at Mostyn Gallery. The lunch ( Greek salad with chicken) was lovely and the exhibition by Vanessa da Silva rather beautiful. 
Ruth bought me an original sketch of an old dog which was delightful and I bought a small globe from a shop in town. I used to have one that lit up as a child and have always wanted to own another. 

Then we sat on the Promenade in the cold and watched the world walk by

Sunshine and Meatballs

 Apparantly it’s a thing….

Yesterday was a wake up call.
Roger off his lead like a loon
Things can go tits up in an instant.
One wrong move, one accident of fate, 
And whoosh 
Roger has been at Trendy Carol’s all day.
I’ve been in college
Both he and Mary were stood by Carol’s Trendy Conservatory and when they saw me, Roger galloped over with his sister tottering slowly behind
And the welcome broke my heart just a little.

A dim silly boy with a gentle heart and a scruffy old bitch with tired eyes
They are my world and my sunshine

And I’m glad I bought them a packet of Swedish meatballs from the garage on the way home( see link below)

My Sunshine


Roger slipped his lead this afternoon and in a fit of excitement got himself lost on the Dyserth walkway for over two hours! .
I was frantic as his dim nature belies any common sense homing instinct and was filled with that hollow dread any parent feels when their child slips a hand and gets lost in the crowd.
I walked up and down the old railway line until dusk with Mary tiredly in tow, until a young couple told me that he was sat in the car park with their mother after climbing into their car in the faint hope he was going home.
He whimpered when he saw us, wrapping his paws around my forearm until I got him home and there he sat on my knee as I rocked him like a baby .
I found myself tearfully half-singing a song to him as he fell fast asleep, his muddy paws twitching gently in tired stress

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skys are Grey, 
You’ll never know dear, 
How much I love you, 
please don’t take my sunshine away ……


The metropolitan Orchestra of Madrid and lisping Talia Choir massacre Chariots of fire
It’s all rather fun.
Off to bed for a sneaky sleep as I’m back on nights. The Welsh have been walked in the cold and when I got back, I ordered Mary a coat from Amazon.
I will leave you with this video
It made me smile

Filthy Bitch

 Family meal for my brother in law’s 70th. Great fun.
Nice to see everyone. We were all still full of Bridget Jones and would have drunk some Filthy Bitch 
Cocktails if they made them.