Chester and more "Me"

Chester looking like Paris!

I met my friend Nigel in Chester this afternoon and we sat by the cooling river Dee and chatted and chatted about bollocks  in between the thunder and the intermittent humid showers

Here are some "This is Me!" photos...….Interesting too! keep em coming

I love my Raymondo

Shine the light

Add caption

My two

Comic Con

I like Welsh Bears

When life gives you scraps..makes quilts


New Best Friend

It will all make sense one day

In my own little corner in my own little room

Still Crazy

another day in paradise

Cat lady with blue Jay Feather drinking wine

dog town beach shades love

First Entries

I'm off to meet a friend in Chester today
And so I will leave you with the first few entries to the YOU-
" photographs that describe self" competition 
Send to
only me

Hairy gay lurker
Mine and His

My Heart
Im Happiest travelling

My Everything

move Forward

I am Yours, all yours

My Heart

Before AND After

Honest Im fun

Audrey does Education

put down laptop

Crab Ass
my sanity

Next Competition :- " You"

As always the most interesting part of Going Gently's blogs are the comments
And so I'm posing my next competition since the famous postcard phenonomen !

Send me a photo that says everything  about you!
It can be a selfie, a photo of something important to you, something that describes you...anything you want.....
Just send your photo with a simple caption.......and I will post it here......
I will set a deadline of just two weeks!
Send your photo to
And everyday I will post the entries after my daily blog!
Here is mine
The winner will be awarded a genuine Welsh love spoon ....
Think outside the box!!!

My happy place

I'm Playing Nice

I've taken a great deal of pleasure in this piece of art
It's cleverness pleases me.

I pulled the previous post as several of the comments started to become accusatory and blaming in tone,
I'm in no mood for that.
All I will say is that Mary is fine and will be fine. She has been earmarked for spaying since last year, but this invasive operation has been postponed until her recurrent ear infection problem is fully resolved .
She is insured , so the cost of surgery is not a factor in my hesitation.
Her escape from the cottage was a fluke and no ones' fault

I discussed this with Trendy Carol over the garden gate this afternoon. Carol ( in a willowy purple vest and crisp white shorts) laughed as we gossiped good naturedly  about the newbee neighbours
They've had some nice bedroom furniture delivered!

It's hot again and Winnie has had one emergency cool down with a bag Of frozen peas which I have pushed gently against her sagging bosoms on the couch
I'm thinking of using a small bag of frozen tuna stakes as a head compress..or failing this a knicker cooler

Limp lettuce

I feel like Blanche duBois.
It's 2am and the temperature remains 23 degrees with a humidity of 80%.
My uniform is ringing wet, so i have just opened the large fridge in the kitchen and have stood infeont of it with my uniform pulled right up
We Brits don't do weather like this...

Almost Here

The Walking Dead returns very soon! The new comic con trailer is out and you still can't download it on blogger , such is the secrecy
Autumn is in sight.
I've slept four hours this afternoon before night shift. It's humid and close and I am full of cold ( I've decided it's my last cold of this year!)

I need a new T shirt me thinks 

Appropriate Roles

I've been thinking about " role appropriate " things today.
One is a pretty straightforward situation.
The other , perhaps , is not.
Modern day quandaries I guess.

The new Trelawnyd Flower Show Committee has asked me to MC the event on the 17th of August.
Now I understand their position and the fact that getting someone who is comfortable at speaking to a crowd is sometimes as difficult as counting hens' teeth but to most in the village My rotund  figure is synonymous with the show itself, so to me I just seems right not to be seen to take a management role in the proceedings.
This seems like a no brainier.

My other recent quandary has been much more of a knotty issue.
Should I attend my former father-in-laws funeral down in Margate ?
From the get go, I have been bombarded with conflicting advice about this one.
And I understand clearly just why different people stand in their own camps.
But Richard was a man I had become  close to over two decades, so why wouldn't I consider paying my respects.?
The day is about's not about anyone else!

The knotty issue, for many, would the fact that I have no status in the proceedings.
I am not now " family" , I am now an ex whose presence could be a locus of some uncomfortable feelings for some. ( or so some people think)
Now, this is the stuff of tv dramas where the now marginalised character can be seen
mysteriously at the back of the chapel  with a hat and veil on.
It's all very silly as all there ensure that my potential presence  will not be a source of discomfort for anyone and Chris is happy at my request to attend

When I think of my father in law, I remember a night  in midsummer when he and I sat on the back patio with the dogs and several bottles of vino.
My husband had retired to bed , and it was a humid, relaxed evening when tongues were loosened and old, much buried thoughts and worries were shared with a friend.
I got to know the man who played my father in law , that night , and the conversations bonded us together so much more than the perfunctory roles had done before hand.
It was this memory that reminded me just how important it would be for me to attend his last goodbye.

Having said this, I am now working the night before the funeral and am having a few issues with sorting changing my duties out..... I have no kudos now, now my notice has been handed in ....
And so logistics may conspire against me in my wish to attend.....
Having said this, if I go, I will be sat quietly to one side ( without the veil) in the chapel and will disappear quietly into the congregation after the deed is done.