Almost Here

The Walking Dead returns very soon! The new comic con trailer is out and you still can't download it on blogger , such is the secrecy
Autumn is in sight.
I've slept four hours this afternoon before night shift. It's humid and close and I am full of cold ( I've decided it's my last cold of this year!)

I need a new T shirt me thinks 


  1. Barbara Anne6:07 pm

    Yes, a new T shirt is just the right thing to celebrate the coming new season as well as the welcoming of autumn.

    So sorry you have a bothersome and miserable cold to endure. Splurge on soft tissues with lotion as they are kind to noses and take good care of yourself, too.


  2. My husband swore by a shot of vodka when getting into bed .. with something wrapped around his neck to keep everything warm.(he made sure to use an English accent when he asked me for tea lol)
    I confess, I would fall over laughing every time he did it .. he always felt better in the morning and I always had a good giggle .

  3. Absolutely! A new T shirt for the new season!

  4. you need someone with mad quilting skills to make all of your tshirts into a quilt for you!

  5. Hot toddy - never mind how hot it is - whisky, lemon, honey and hot water - why do I never see The Walking Dead? Is it on some obscure channel

    1. Weaver, my husband watched it and I still haven't seen it.
      Zombies were never my "thing"lol

  6. One spring nearly everyone on campus had a flu. If 12 more students got sick, school would shut down until some could walk around. about 20 friends met in my room. Someone brought a large bottle of either rum or vodka or both. Someone brought lemonade. We all passed out for about 2 hrs.

  7. Get Better! At least it’s not winter 😎
    And I I started watching Fear the Walking Dead I guess it’s back to TWD.


  8. Can't wait to watch the new season. Sorry you have yet another cold.

  9. You have had far too many colds this year and we're only just past the half way mark!! I really feel for you ... and I prescribe much more alcohol.

    1. Me too, more alcohol is the way to go. Makes most ills feel better.

  10. whoa! did they finally let Daryl wash his hair?


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