Corners The Final Entries

As I predicted Winnie thawed out towards bedtime and hoisted herself heavily onto the sofa in order to rest her fat face into the warmth of my crotch.
The day alone all forgotten for the sake of warm testicles.
It's a bleak Sunday morning here, after Storm Hannah ravaged the coast yesterday.
I'm on my second bucket of coffee at the kitchen table

Here are the final entries for the "My Corner" competition
enjoy.....closing date is 6pm -
I know this Corner well

Ive actually been in this was filled with smiling kookaburras

cool palate and restful

more beautiful views

the garden is almost like a huge painting on one side of the room

sex and the city!


mary would love this view

wood burner stove lovely

crow picture? lovely

love that blue painting

don't sit on the dog!

The painted white ceiling rafters and boards is a very welsh phenomenon 

how I wish for this warmth this morning


spying on naked neighbours?

love the colour


love the tin pitcher!


the view!

who is on the screen!

so much to see

goat corner

whats in the bags?

a family table

the stone building is intriguing 


colourful hives...clever

a lovely big corner eh?

I oh so want that rocker!

an oasis of colour

not only men have sheds

serene calm

dogs and sofas go together

beat that view

I want that chair

wheres the baby?


a much loved desk


that view is a hard one to beat

I like the lunch balanced by the books

Bulldog Sulks

The My Favourite Corner competition will conclude tomorrow evening
I have another two dozen or so to show you then

The Sams conference was generally a productive day. We had a presentation from a survivor of abuse, perpetrated by Care home staff on children at Bryn Estyn Children's home in Wrexham in the 1980s which proved not only moving but incredibly helpful as the presenter underlined just how Samaritans failed him at that time.
Sometimes it's important to examine how's things go wrong rather just to explore good practise

I don't leave the dogs all day usually, but when I finally got back to the cottage it was past 6 pm and Winnie was stood sulking  in the living room her sad eyes facing the wall.
She does this when she feels slighted.
I had preempted this diva-esque behaviour by buying her a packet of chicken flavoured Crisps in Bangor Hospital's staff canteen  which I rattled enticingly at the kitchen door, like a Spanish dancer with a pair of castanets.
She munched on them with her eyes shut as we all sat in the rain next to the Church after wees and poos
But still looked away when I called her to follow me home.
I had trouble walking too for the cold rain had stiffened my sore legs, made even more sore by a somewhat energetic game of badminton with gorgeous Dave last night
I hobbled around ten yards before Winnie finally got up to follow me with a sigh
She will sulk that I went out for so long until bed time.

Winnie Sulking 

More Corners!

I'm sat in the kitchen (in my corner) drinking a bucket of coffee
There is a vicious storm blowing outside and I am just about to drive the fifty or so miles to Bangor for a Sams conference. 
I would have cried off given the weather but I am taking a car load with me in Bluebell
the dogs have all slunk away on the couch. they know I am going

so here are a few more of your favourite corners

a reading chair perhaps?

you can feel the warmth

no distractions

as winnie gets over a crash mat like this may be the answer

I want me a porch


space age

another clue with the penguin

an autumn photo!

a scotch in hand for this one

is that a chicken?

am loving the bookcase

very chic

what is with these sewing machines?

David is that you?

woods beyond!


I could spend an age exploring this one

loving that vase

I know this porch very well

More Corners

another machine xx
Wonderfully all over

Love the arch x


This is adorable 

Another fav of mine and one you can easily guess the owner

Not mine honest

Organised chaos 

 keep em

simple , clean lines restful x

you can hear them snoring

Ive always wanted some stained glass...a tit too!

I so want to see this visa again in summer


now I adore this, its a face!

more armchair envy

I want this too sigh

hard to beat

gay chic?

More gay?

Mamma Mia?

o could get lost in this one

and this one