Corners The Final Entries

As I predicted Winnie thawed out towards bedtime and hoisted herself heavily onto the sofa in order to rest her fat face into the warmth of my crotch.
The day alone all forgotten for the sake of warm testicles.
It's a bleak Sunday morning here, after Storm Hannah ravaged the coast yesterday.
I'm on my second bucket of coffee at the kitchen table

Here are the final entries for the "My Corner" competition
enjoy.....closing date is 6pm -
I know this Corner well

Ive actually been in this was filled with smiling kookaburras

cool palate and restful

more beautiful views

the garden is almost like a huge painting on one side of the room

sex and the city!


mary would love this view

wood burner stove lovely

crow picture? lovely

love that blue painting

don't sit on the dog!

The painted white ceiling rafters and boards is a very welsh phenomenon 

how I wish for this warmth this morning


spying on naked neighbours?

love the colour


love the tin pitcher!


the view!

who is on the screen!

so much to see

goat corner

whats in the bags?

a family table

the stone building is intriguing 


colourful hives...clever

a lovely big corner eh?

I oh so want that rocker!

an oasis of colour

not only men have sheds

serene calm

dogs and sofas go together

beat that view

I want that chair

wheres the baby?


a much loved desk


that view is a hard one to beat

I like the lunch balanced by the books


  1. I am puzzled as to why it has to be a competition. It has been an interesting exercise to see where fellow followers of your blog hang out.

    1. no puzzle just a bit of fun
      I was never going to pick a winner anyway, how could I?

    2. Exactly as I was thinking, how could you, they are all wonderful to look at and each one tells its own story. I recognise one or two today.

    3. little places of peace from a hundred homes!

  2. I love them all. Mine is just too boring to send you. Looking forward to seeing which one you pick.

    1. PLEASE SEND.. I love seeing everyone's corner, each one has a charm of its own

  3. Leaving aside that I do agree with Rachel (fat load of good that'll do me) at first it hadn't even registered with me that this was a competition - one which, naturally, I haven't entered since I am so not competitive it's shameful - or maybe some charmer will point out to me that I don't like losing. Which isn't true. I am the eldest of four siblings and the last thing I needed during my long hours of keeping the (much younger) kids entertained is to win. Let others shine. That way peace and quiet lies and intrigue is kept at bay.

    Anyway, if a winner WERE to be declared among some phantastic entries you received, it would have to be the one you titled "huh?". That was laugh out loud brilliant. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. And if I haven't said it before: Brilliant.


    1. If it had not registered with you that it was a competition then it cannot be used as the reason why you have not entered.

    2. Poignant thinking and reasoning, Rachel. I was going to send John one of many "a corner" as much as it pains me to invade my own privacy.

      Enter my timeline. Whilst I live to often act on impulse I do little IMMEDIATELY when it comes to the "public" domain. Blame my parents. You can't even write them a letter without them analyzing your handwriting. Never mind content. Oh, Rachel, ... I could tell stories which would make even you laugh in despair. Or maybe particularly you since you have an eye for/an interest in, the visual.

      So, leaving aside technical difficulties, like having no smartphone and my camera having packed up and my comp having its own raison de NOT aitre, time to think stuff over is on my side.

      Anyway, and do laugh, as am I, in disbelief, I am shy. So any old excuse to not ... will do.


    3. ive not deleted your comments as I usually do as you have been positive and polite.
      and this blog entry is am uplifting one to celebrate our own special corners in this world.

    4. I'm not deleting or argueing with anyone today ..let's have a nice Sunday afternoon

    5. There was nothing poignant about it. It was fact and nothing more and nothing less.


  5. all late contributions have been put on at the start of this blog entry as it is easier for me to download them there

  6. This has been lovely, thank you x

    1. 164 so far and a few late ones to come no doubt

  7. I have really enjoyed seeing everyone's corner! It's a reminder to me of why I love blogging -- Because it can and does give me a glimpse into someone else's life, that I think is much more interesting than my boring one. 🙂

  8. Again, so much variety! And so many inviting spaces. Well, except perhaps that prison cell. Whose is that, I wonder.

  9. I love the wide spectrum from cluttered and cosy to clean and modern, from small nooks to wide-open spaces. And every single one of them is attractive. You clearly appeal to all kinds of gentry with refined taste.

  10. I recognise that front porch in this post and the loom with sewing machine in the previous post. I've just sent off my late entry.

  11. So many lovely spaces,
    Mine didn't get posted I am having so much computer problems it is out there in space floating .

    cheers, parsnip

  12. I love the variety of entries you're getting. Love the dog on the pillow and all the dramatic shadows from the Venetian blinds. I'm still going to get one to you, as soon as my phone charges!

  13. All of the corners you've received are wonderful. Thank you for doing this. I enjoy seeing all the various hobbies and I wonder what the hobby is of the one you labeled "intriguing"? And yes, in one of the pet photos - where's the baby? ; )

  14. I've loved and enjoyed every single one of them! Well, maybe not the jail cell. You've done an amazing thing here, John. Talk about a soft place to fall...your blog and your followers! The world out there grows colder (warmer) and more insecure every day - here it's warm and cozy. Many thanks!

  15. Next up, have everyone show their pets!


  16. It's been lovely visiting the homes of your followers and so many lovely glimpses outside as well nice to see all the pets living the good life a make you feel good series John.

  17. My photo was taken just before the acquisition of the baby ... but it's one of my, and their favourite corners, so I had to send that one.

    These days the baby is to be found cuddled up in any tiny space between her big sisters ♥️

  18. I would love to invite followers on my blog to do this, just imagine if all of blogland got involved - its so interesting peeking into homes and seeing the much loved pets, favourite chair, cherished plants and valued views - your best idea ever - thank you.

  19. I have so loved this series. Thank you for sharing them with all of us.


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