More Corners UPDATED!

classy and chic

a few are not downloading for some reason so if you don't see yours please resend!!
I adore this chair and know the room !

I love this look

you can smell the heat!

window and blind envy

I want the little blue and white vase

I so want this bathroom

white accessories... not in my home lol

a birds eye view! hows that?

I have the same ceiling in the front room
needs a book by the bog me thinks

I need more house plants

ive always wanted a porch

kitch and sweet

I used to co own candlesticks similar

I adore that chair!

a mans desk!

symmetry !

comfy cosy

another sewing machine !


reminds me of my lane kitchen window

complete with real tea!

I am loving the candle feature

derby and joan

pressed glass! beautiful

wishful thinking?

dogs and fires!

I love this little oasis



this shrieks of the owner

Blanche du Bois?

sun shining through shades I love it

I want this chair

I wish I was this organised

all to hand

yellow walls seem to be popular!

Keep them coming...a fascinating set of views!
Send to

the zombie apocalypse 

the old west!

a loom? wow

the windows are like painings

I just knew who sent this

I love white shelves


back garden greenery, I love it

lord of the rings

well done !

nice the chairs are not facing a tv


tales of the city

love the colourful yarns


Your "Corners" come in

A trickle of photos have started to come in, illustrating your comfort corners...areas of your home that perhaps provide peace, relaxation, comfort and happiness...
here are a few. I have omitted the reasons why they are your fav until I pick the winner!

Keep em coming send to

My Corner

It's a natural human condition to be fascinated in other people's houses.
I have known people that "pretend" to be interested in buying a home just in order to have a good "nose around", having said that, most estate agents provide a full portfolio of internal shots of a property that ticks that need box very well
I know when a blogger I follow photographs a dog looking cute in their living room, it is the living room in the background that gets most scrutiny by me ( its amazing just how much you can see when you can zoom in to a photo with an ipad!)
Isn't that a normal obsession? and not just a middle age gay one?
answers on a postcard please...

and so I'm setting another competition.
Not one as comprehensive as the postcard challenge ( I am still considering what to do with the 600 or so cards I received earlier in the year) but this one everyone can take part in with the use a brief attachment via email.

So Please Send me a photo of your favourite part of your house with a small accompanying paragraph saying why you love it so much? It may be an office area like mine, or a hideaway bedroom or a favourite arbour in the garden...anything you like
just send me your "place" in an attachment via email to

The above photo is a snap of  my "office" corner in my new kitchen
Here I  plan my future.
Here I listen to the radio with a coffee and my blog most mornings
Here I practise my choir songs with the CD provided by choirmaster Jaimie (now without his 1940s moustache 🙁)
Here George spends most of his poorly days cooling his tummy on the lino beneath my John Lewis table.

My Anna Madrigal

I think all of us have our very own Anna Madrigal, especially when we have played at being our own Mary Ann Singleton  in The Tales of [ our very own ] City 

My " Mrs Madrigal " is a man ....a wisecracking, verbose and delightfully arch man of a certain well kept age who has the hips of a snake, and the tongue of Eve Arden

We have been friends for two decades and I love him deeply.

I needed him today, and with a gap of a hundred and three miles, our own busy lives and a serious illness between us he rang me on spec with a sassy diatribe, some common sense  and a warmth that almost made me weep.

Thank you for today bel-ami, your timing was impeccable !!!!
I love you man x

Fur Babies

I haven't been sleeping well.
Now most mornings I am awake around 4 am.
Thats why I'm presently on my second flat white in an hour.
This morning I witnessed something quite wonderful in those bleak hours just before dawn. Sat in the window seat with Mary ( and Albert) and a large builder's tea we watched a badger sow with two tiny cubs root excitedly around the garden
The cubs were particulary interested in one of Winnie's turds which they chomped on as though it was chocolate and their squeals and grunts made Mary shiver in excitement which necessitated me to clamp her jaws together save she should bark.
The cubs looked a little like baby pandas
We watched them for a good 40 minutes before the sky in the east started to brighten .

Choir tonight


I've never really watched or have been a fan of Games Of Thrones 
But the build up to the climactic battle at Winterfell made for an interesting watch tonight and was a fair substitute to zombie Mondays .
I say this especially as the statuesque Valkyrie Brianne of Tarth was unexpectedly made a knight in an incredibly moving scene before the whitewalkers arrive
I cried buckets as she bent the knee


I've replaced a blog about sex with one about spring cleaning
Same subject really
The cottage has its first valuation tomorrow