Now blogging never fails to surprise me.
I can write something that I think is worthy and interesting and get 5 brief replies in way of comment and then in pure throwaway fashion, I can "pen" some bland rant about the weather and get 50 comments in way of a detailed debate.
It's the fickle finger of blogging me thinks.
Today my arse is inexplicably glued to my lovely comfy armchair in the corner of the living room, so I cannot really see that anything I have to say will be of any interest to anyone....but we will wait and see!.
Ok I have fed the animals, walked the dogs and had a couple of hours sleep but I intend that today's world will be concentrated upon a corner of the living room where the view of our grandfather clock, over filled bookcase and my handpicked kitchen door with too large a gap at it's base will be all that I have to worry about
Chris has squirrelled his way in his office with some academic work and the dogs have collapsed at my feet after a walk in the COLD and AWFUL START of AUTUMN we experienced last I am left with the gentle tones of classic fm, which are wafting in from the kitchen radio for company.
I need to get up really.
I have a shepherds pie to make,
I have some new warrens to water in their pen
and it's time to rattle my feed bowl at Sylvia and Irene, as part of my concerted effort to win the buggers over
But do you know what?
I think I will sit here just a tad longer
and I will gaze uselessly at my green kitchen door which has too wide a gap at the bottom!hey ho