Back to normal

A day ago I was sipping a vodka Martini over looking the panorama of London, today I am covered in hen shit and parasites as I disinfect the largest of the coops from the dreaded infestation of red mite.
The promised thunderstorms have not arrived and several of the black hookers have infiltrated my smallest veg plot and have eaten all of the everlasting spinach! To cap all this, the big buffs have now smashed ALL of their eggs with their hefty clumsiness, and I have had to be given some more to sit on...They need some day old chicks and fast.
Clover seems to be hanging on, but looks weak and poorly. He has taken some dog food from my hand this morning, but very little. I will try him with more life saving pasta later on.

The good news of the day has been the flowering of the field poppies. I planted them last year from a cheapo American seed packet and they have thrived in the dry soil of the plots. The field should be thick with them by next weekend

Raise Your Voice - Sister Act

Julia Sutton is on the you a general taste of what it was all about......subtle it is NOT

Nuala and Me

Nuala and I up in the Hilton cocktail lounge...forgive my hair AND my big red forehead!

Touching base with Nuala is as necessary to me as breathing.There is always a certain something missing in my life when I have not seen her for a long time. We met up yesterday at the National Portrait Gallery at 11am and talked non stop (with a break for Sister Act of course) until 11pm.
During the day, we also had lunch at Covent Garden,a cocktail at the top of the Hilton Hotel in Paddington (with fantastic views over London), and a wonderful Indonesian meal on the way back to West Ealing.
Nuala always has the unfailing ability to make every visit special and enjoyable. I had a lovely, lovely time!

My favourite painting at the BP portrait exhibition "Georgie" by Mary Jane AnsellThis morning I mooched around the South Bank, National film Theatre and the obligatory John Lewis.........I managed to change my train home, good job too, there were delays on several routes north

Sister Act

You couldn't help liking Sister Act.............wisecracking Nuns, a sardonic Mother Superior and a plot line that wouldn't tax a five year old; this " new" musical fashioned from the 1990s film is the froth on top of a is pure rubbish of course and slightly disappointingly different from the movie, which seemed to concentrate more on the "journey" made by the dreadfully dull Los Angeles inner city choir than the huge, glittery habit shimmering group numbers we now have on stage.
I must admit I did prefer the more uptempo hymns of the film rather than the Disney-esque libretto of the musical but there was plenty else to enjoy on the way.
Patina Miller stands her own against Whoopie Goldberg's original Deloris Van Cartier- the lounge singer who is hidden by the police in an inner city convent and is a true star in the making, but it is the mischievous performance by an aging Julia Sutton (who plays the Mary Wicks role from the film) that almost steals the show.
At the end the audience was standing and cheering for the wonderfully exciting and innovative staging spectacle and when when the Pope rises slowly from the orchestra pit to salute the singing nuns the place went is at that stage there is only one thing to do, and that is to sit back laugh and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Up Early

I feel like I did when I was a kid going on a school trip!
Wonder if I will eat by packed lunch minutes after I leave Prestatyn station??
Off to London now back tomorrow night.
Thanks to all the field helpers

Clover returns & a logistical nightmare

Bill who took Clover last week called around today, worried and apologetic. The cockerel had not been able to settle with his hens, had not eaten for days and unfortunately looked limp and very ill. He asked if I could take the poor chap back, and of course I said I would.
Bill, like myself, lives for his hens and treats them professionally and with much care.
Poor Clover, he looked dreadfully ill when he arrived, and although I suspected it was the shock of being separated from Poppy and his usual surroundings that precipitated this depressive look, I also thought that the shock had made the poor cockerel susceptible to some sort of infection or illness. (above pic Clover is on the left)
I treated him for worms, gave him some antibiotics and set him up with Poppy, who danced around a bit but did not spar or attack his brother,( which is rare as poultry often are very "cruel" with flock mates who are ill.) I also gave him some cat food and pasta which he ate, politely.
I am loath to go away tomorrow in some ways, as the poor chap, I feel should be watched and treated closely.

Anyhow tomorrow I am off to London to catch up with Nuala. I can't wait! I will meet her at the National Portrait Gallery ( there is an exhibition of photos entitled "Gay Icons" which should be interesting) then we are off to see Sister Act-the musical (camp or what?)..then off for a bite to eat and gossip till late! Thursday I will have mooch around the Tate and South Bank, then meet her afterwork before coming home on the late train (which is also the cheapest!!) all in all I will be away for 2 whole days!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't go to London without the goodwill of friends and a organisational effort of gigantic proportions! Carole and Ewan will babysit the dogs each day, whilst Mandy from next door will make sure the ducks and hens will have a top up of water in the hot weather. Geoff kindly is feeding the pigs and putting the poultry to bed on Thursday night and Chris will complete all the other jobs.
I have slaved back and forth this evening putting out extra feed bowls and water containers in each enclosure and have filled all the feeders almost to over flowing! Apart from leaving the hens a little personal note, there is very little else I can do
The weather is going to be hot and dry over the next few days, so I have had to soak as much of the allotment that is possible. With all of the buffs now broody and with Clover sick, I know I am taking a chance going to London but I want and need to go! I don't get too many chances to meet up with Nu.

Catch up

There is one thing worse than being worried about and that is not being worried about! This evening two old friends Nige and Jonney H, called to check up on me. They had read last weeks blog and thought I was not my usual bouncy "Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm self!!"....
I am glad they called......we had such a good chin wag, I was late for locking up the hens!

Ok..Ok it's a pig update

One of my blog readers have complained I have not blogged much about Gladys and Nora. so I thought I would give you a brief update on them both.
As you can see the extra tit bits from locals ( bread in particular) has had the desired effect on their waistlines and both girls have put on an acceptable amount of be honest I now have to be careful about what else they eat as pot bellied pigs can become obese very easily.
Compared with my other animals the pigs lead rather a bland and unassuming life. They eat, drink, bicker occasionally and sleep...and boy do they sleep! least 95% of their day is earmarked for their straw filled bedroom in the old duck house.
In the few months they have been with me, they have become tamer and more accepting of my presence and touch..but still they sleep all day every day.

They remind me of Joan and Betty our old cats........always present in the background but more often than not overshadowed by the more excitable and showy animals......
(pic) Nora trying to pull the Sainsbury's bag out of my pocket!