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A day ago I was sipping a vodka Martini over looking the panorama of London, today I am covered in hen shit and parasites as I disinfect the largest of the coops from the dreaded infestation of red mite.
The promised thunderstorms have not arrived and several of the black hookers have infiltrated my smallest veg plot and have eaten all of the everlasting spinach! To cap all this, the big buffs have now smashed ALL of their eggs with their hefty clumsiness, and I have had to be given some more to sit on...They need some day old chicks and fast.
Clover seems to be hanging on, but looks weak and poorly. He has taken some dog food from my hand this morning, but very little. I will try him with more life saving pasta later on.

The good news of the day has been the flowering of the field poppies. I planted them last year from a cheapo American seed packet and they have thrived in the dry soil of the plots. The field should be thick with them by next weekend


  1. I've gotta say, you made me laugh with that opener! Sorry.

    The poppys are beautiful. I have some seeds but failed to plant them as I lost track of where they were stored. Next year.

    Cassie (on the pup's blog)

  2. Awww - i use neem oil and tea tree oil, although i think the neem is the magic thing, mixed with olive oil. If you have mites then they are on the birds themselves. I know you have quite a few chickens but the best way to get rid of them is hold the birds down in a tub of warm water. Not to drown the bird of course but the mites all drown quickly. Then i rub a mixture of neem and tea tree oil on their feet. I add olive oil to this mixture and slather it in their boxes, before adding new bedding, and along their sleeping perches. I have only had to do this once after I brought new birds into my flock. The effects are immediate - relief for the birds. I noticed some birds are more prone than others, some not having any mites at all. It could explain the malaise you have been experiencing in your coup, it is hard for a bird to tell you they are "itchy as hell and can't stand it no more" - i am off to read about your trip now, i am a few posts behind, at my bossy best, peace for all
    ps in canada the law can come and cut down your poppies!

  3. the birds look free at the moment as the mites are only in the big coop.....the broodies are at most risk as they literally could get eaten on the nest, but presently they look fine (its good I have got 13 small coops instead of 1 big one!!

    tea tree looks good for most thnghs
    where would I get neem oil from Ruth>>>>???

  4. Have you tried Diatom powder? It's a fab all-rounder for external & internal parasite control & has the benefit of being a natural product. It can be rubbed into the birds if they get an infestation of lice or mites or sprinkled into the coop to catch the little blighters before they get on to the birds. It can also be used to make a fab dust bath for your hens. Hope your cockerel picks up soon.


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