Ok..Ok it's a pig update

One of my blog readers have complained I have not blogged much about Gladys and Nora. so I thought I would give you a brief update on them both.
As you can see the extra tit bits from locals ( bread in particular) has had the desired effect on their waistlines and both girls have put on an acceptable amount of weight.....to be honest I now have to be careful about what else they eat as pot bellied pigs can become obese very easily.
Compared with my other animals the pigs lead rather a bland and unassuming life. They eat, drink, bicker occasionally and sleep...and boy do they sleep!......at least 95% of their day is earmarked for their straw filled bedroom in the old duck house.
In the few months they have been with me, they have become tamer and more accepting of my presence and touch..but still they sleep all day every day.

They remind me of Joan and Betty our old cats........always present in the background but more often than not overshadowed by the more excitable and showy animals......
(pic) Nora trying to pull the Sainsbury's bag out of my pocket!


  1. The photo captures the moment so perfectly don't you think. You all look so happy. peace

  2. I agree, lovely photo John

  3. OMG! I love your pigs!! Thanks for the piggy pics. Saw loads of beauties at the 3 Counties show at the weekend. Cutest were litter of Kune Kune piglets - sooo sweet. I wanted to run off with one under my arm. Not got enough room to keep any of our own unfortunately :-(

  4. Geoffrey......YOU took the photo!!1

  5. I know I just wanted credit for it

  6. Whoa! The girls are getting a bit on the chunky side. Too many visitors leaving off goodies!


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