The Circle of life (perhaps Disney would make an allotment film?????)

Finally the rain has come, and although fine weather has been forecast for today, a light drizzle has quenched the thirst of all 5 of my vegetable beds, which had been dry, dusty and lacking that deep, deep green of early summer.
I let all of the hens out into the wet this morning and counted all of them out into the field. As I was dragging the broody buffs off their eggs in an effort to make them drink and eat, I caught sight of Albert standing over a small body in the grass.
He looked at me as if to say "I didn't do anything", and I walked over to fine one of my original hens, (one of the last Andrew's sisters) collapsed on the ground.
It is a sad but inevitable fact that the hybrids are well past their sell by dates now and all of them will be shuffling off this mortal coil very soon. but at least I have provided them a huge,green and generally peaceful environment in which to live out their days....
The mist and rain feeding the allotment this morning

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your hen ... bad times. It's always sad to lose one of the fold.
    Your allotment looks amazing ... good times. You obviously have green fingers.


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