Ho Hum

Today has been a rather "nothing day". No matter how hard I have looked, there is very little to report in the way of news.
I have planted shallots and onions today, and have had to cover them all with nets, to protect them from the marauding rabbits, which is a laborious job. The weather has been icy cold and miserable, and I have seen no one except for a passing troupe of hikers, who upset the egg laying hens roosting over their eggs in the side of the compost heap by crowding in to spy on them through the lane fencing.

The slowness and coldness of the day has been rather oppressive. I could have done with a mooch around some city shops and lunch out!

In actual fact I sat in the pig hut sharing two bananas with Gladys and Nora

ho hum

Putting your money where your mouth is..........

I dropped down to Prestatyn this afternoon to have an interview for the volunteer position at the Scala cinema. I was slightly over awed by the panel of three (it felt like my senior nurse interview) but enjoyed the chat about their vision for how the cinema is to be run. I made sure that they knew that the cinema featured highly in my film mad pre teen geeky life, and I was very honest when I said that I felt strongly that the cinema and town needed support.
They said that I would get a nice uniform!
I said I could work one night a week!
Tee hee..........

I sold the three grey bantams AND the small buff rooster chick this morning. The lady that bought them had no box in which to put them, so we had to improvise by placing them in a cupboard of her Winnebago! She has put in a provisional order for some hybrids when I get the chance to get them into the incubator too, which is nice. With the money I got for the hens I got all four dogs treated for fleas (and Meg injected for worms!) Meg still has the habit of eating sheep poo every time we go out, so needs a stronger dose of wormer than the other dogs! With the change left, I bought some extra pig feed!

pic is one of the "dog attack survivors" from last year sunning herself in the Churchyard. I have called her Jane

The Best Jokes.......

....are the ones that are not hurried or forced......"An 18-year-old has secretly painted a 60ft drawing of a phallus on the roof of his parents' £1million mansion in Berkshire. It was there for a year before his parents found out. They say he'll have to scrub it off when he gets back from travelling."
VVV Funny...thanks Nige


Some actors can portray huge emotion in the simplest of actions, and I must surprisingly say that Julia Roberts rates highly on my list!
Watch out for the most genuine of smiles at 3.58 mins..it is incredibly moving

Winter returns

I returned home from work at 8.15am. The Northerly wind was gale force and the accompanying rain almost horizontal!, and as I parked the Belingo, the turkey house roof sailed gracefully out over the field!
Boris and Gloria were still sat quietly in their coop when I checked and remained there until I had retrieved the roof and re attached it safely. I was soaked to the skin and frozen when I had finished the repairs, but got a whole lot wetter by the time everyone had been fed and watered. The pigs darted out of the old duck house to scoff their meal for the shortest of periods then squealing in horror at the weather nosedived back into the warmth of their straw bed.

The old duck house looked so cosy that I almost climbed in with them (would you believe that both pigs are located somewhere under the straw in the picture above!) I dragged myself back to the cottage and lay on the couch for a while with four dogs on top of me......all of them acting as organic hot water bottles!
This afternoon a woman rang in relation to my hen care teaching poster. She was in fact more interested in buying some hens rather then in learning how to look after them, but I have a feeling that she'll buy the grey bantam chicks (centre)


The last remaining buff cockerel is a handsome beast. I am still waiting to re home him and today I have decided to place him in his own quarters. The six females he has been housed with, are looking rather, erm shall we say,,,,ravaged to say the least! Extensive sexual advances has stripped poor Lily of most of her back feathers, and Poor Elizabeth, Shelley and to a lesser extent Sorrel, Violet and the young Kate Winslett are all looking , well, rather exhausted!
I tried to put the cockerel in with the older male Buffs Clover and Poppy, but he was almost killed for his sins, so today the poor chap has been relegated to the nursery coop which is empty until the ducklings arrive in a couple of weeks time.
Pottering today, the weather has changed , it remains dull and cold as the North Westerly wind has increased.....Working tonight!

A thought

I suppose you couldn't find two women that were poles apart more than Natasha Richardson and Jade Goody. One, was a talented, upper middle class, intelligent actress hailing from a dynasty of extraordinary artists, the other, a battling guttersnipe of a girl who despite her dreadful family actually made something out of herself.
Two women, two mothers and two premature deaths, the only thing that people should be feeling now, is how sad this double tragedy actually is and for once I think that Fleet Street and the media has realised that this is the way to go.
Celebrating the life of Natasha Richardson is easy, being more balanced about Jade is a harder task to complete, especially as the tabloid press is totally responsible for her "car crash" relationship with celebrity.
I have seen too many people die prematurely at my place of work, the sadness of losing someone that is loved and cherished is terrible to witness, it was obvious that Jade was loved by her family and friends just as much as Natasha was. Perhaps the realisation of this fact, may mean that some of Fleet Street may hang their heads in a brief show of shame as they may reflect upon how a bright girl from the wrong side of the tracks was given too much press

Last of the Mohicans-

Saturday night in...Chris away dancing....bottle of wine...and one of my favourite Movies ever on DVD.
The last of the Mohicans has one of the best battle scenes ever filmed for a movie.......edge of the seat job