
The last remaining buff cockerel is a handsome beast. I am still waiting to re home him and today I have decided to place him in his own quarters. The six females he has been housed with, are looking rather, erm shall we say,,,,ravaged to say the least! Extensive sexual advances has stripped poor Lily of most of her back feathers, and Poor Elizabeth, Shelley and to a lesser extent Sorrel, Violet and the young Kate Winslett are all looking , well, rather exhausted!
I tried to put the cockerel in with the older male Buffs Clover and Poppy, but he was almost killed for his sins, so today the poor chap has been relegated to the nursery coop which is empty until the ducklings arrive in a couple of weeks time.
Pottering today, the weather has changed , it remains dull and cold as the North Westerly wind has increased.....Working tonight!


  1. oh NO! not chicken jail!!! ;)

  2. Well it must be spring, that's all I can say!


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