Winter returns

I returned home from work at 8.15am. The Northerly wind was gale force and the accompanying rain almost horizontal!, and as I parked the Belingo, the turkey house roof sailed gracefully out over the field!
Boris and Gloria were still sat quietly in their coop when I checked and remained there until I had retrieved the roof and re attached it safely. I was soaked to the skin and frozen when I had finished the repairs, but got a whole lot wetter by the time everyone had been fed and watered. The pigs darted out of the old duck house to scoff their meal for the shortest of periods then squealing in horror at the weather nosedived back into the warmth of their straw bed.

The old duck house looked so cosy that I almost climbed in with them (would you believe that both pigs are located somewhere under the straw in the picture above!) I dragged myself back to the cottage and lay on the couch for a while with four dogs on top of me......all of them acting as organic hot water bottles!
This afternoon a woman rang in relation to my hen care teaching poster. She was in fact more interested in buying some hens rather then in learning how to look after them, but I have a feeling that she'll buy the grey bantam chicks (centre)

1 comment:

  1. Organic hot water bottles. Good one. Pigs are very smart. Yours know how to keep warm.
    Our weather has cooled off too.It's 71 degrees right now and that's way better than the 92 we had a few days ago.


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